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  1. Tharic-Nar

    Got dirty balls?

    Evolution works in strange ways.... :p
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Got dirty balls?

    Funny you mention that... anyone seen this REAL ad flying around... see men get Powerballs to play with, women get these... <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen"...
  3. Tharic-Nar

    I want......

    I guess it also means that if the 5 series was optimised more, it would have trounced Nvidia's 4 series.... there's a scary thought..... I've seen it with other comparisons, quite often the case, fill rate on a GPU has a much greater affect on frame rate, and the 480 has a 30% gain over the...
  4. Tharic-Nar

    NVIDIA Brings its CUDA Architecture to x86

    Was going to say, but it's in the Ars article anyway, this just seems like Nvidia clawing away, trying to prevent developers from using OpenCL as the heterogeneous programming language of choice. DirectX Vs. OpenGL, now it's CUDA Vs. OpenCL.... will history repeat and choose the closed and...
  5. Tharic-Nar

    I want......

    Based on those specs there, the 6870 is not more powerful than the 5970, look at the FLOP and texel counts... 5970 2x1024 Mb Vram 46.4 GP/s 116 GT/s 2x128 GB/s 2x256 bit bus 4640 GFLOPs 294 Watts 6870 2048 Mb Vram 54.4 GP/s 81.6 GT/s 332.8 Gb/s 512 bit bus 4080 GFLOPs 225 Watts Their...
  6. Tharic-Nar

    Are SSD Densities Going to be Halted Next Year?

    They'll probably switch to Memristors, but my limited understanding of such tech prevents me from giving an adequate explanation. All i could understand was, they are Resistors with memory, when a charge passes through it in one direction, it increases resistance, when that charge stops, it...
  7. Tharic-Nar

    New PC Build (Not for me)

    My only comment would be the Biostar motherboard.... Biostar are... how to put this.... temperamental? You may experience a few random glitches and such, or the sound or NIC just give up, or other strange behaviour. Might be lucky and everything's fine, have to wait and see. And $10 for a...
  8. Tharic-Nar

    I Knew my GPU was Bugged...

    There's more than one bug as well, lol. I should of taken a photo of the fan, that had a few flies and a whole lot of dust in it, typical really. Think i said in another thread, i've had a bee or wasp caught in the main CPU fan inlet. The Fan was a 3 Blade 80mm Streetfighter from Thermaltake...
  9. Tharic-Nar

    I Knew my GPU was Bugged...

    High temps, crashing to desktop, system freezes, corrupt graphics, you know the drill, i knew it was buggy the moment i.... ...opened it up to clean it. :p All cleaned now, should be stable again... maybe. (Curse you Moths!!!)
  10. Tharic-Nar

    Hasselblad to Releases 200 Megapixel Camera

    Very simple answer as to why anyone would need this.... Adverts, lol. Walk into a clothes store, you see those great big posters and boards around the place, they still look pretty good close up, won't get images like that with a 12MP camera... or even a 20MP. 18,000 wide, divide by 300dpi...
  11. Tharic-Nar

    Sonic Adventure on XBLA!

    Chu-Chu Rocket.... Resident Evil: Code Veronica, Marvel Vs Capcom 2. Still, the most time i spent was with Soul Calibur and PSO.... way too much time with PSO. Did anyone actually play or use the memory cards? lol. I think the most use i had out of them was the health gauge for resident evil...
  12. Tharic-Nar

    Good Old Games shuts it's doors

    They're probably going for a rebrand and some new updates to the software... so rather than state that they are taking the site down for maintenance and surprise everyone, they're pulling a very badly done stunt, sure, people are talking about it but damn, this is silly...
  13. Tharic-Nar

    How many of you run an OC'd PC?

    I use to run OC'd... till the CPU slowly started to show its age. 6 Years ago, it was a 2.8 running at 3.5-3.6, which for a P4 is damn good going. I had to underclock the memory since it was budget memory, but still did fairly well. But i was thrashing the Voltage, 1.38 running at 1.61, it was...
  14. Tharic-Nar

    My old PC PSU makes an odd buzzing noise

    Yeah, matching the mains frequency. It kept doing it for a while then one day stopped. Then about a week after it stopped, turned it on one day and all it did was make an ever increasing high pitch whine that went inaudible, no power or anything, just increased in pitch, until 3 of the...
  15. Tharic-Nar

    AMD and Valve Provide Drivers to Gamers Over Steam

    I have to agree, this has been long overdue. Windows Update has been slowly rolling out a similar system, providing drivers to common hardware, but they never stay up to date, which is critical with GPU's. I tried the Steam update myself, but due to my aged 3650 AGP card, it simply redirected me...
  16. Tharic-Nar

    Sonic Adventure on XBLA!

    I think with the dreamcast, the real clinch for me was internet access... it was the first console to give you access to the internet... and boy did i take advantage of that.... much to the delight of the phone company (£200 phone bills... not fun). I mean, i didn't have a PC at the time, so my...
  17. Tharic-Nar

    How Did Big Tech Companies Get Their Names?

    Then there is the pronunciation problem with Ubuntu as well, lol... You-Bun-Too Ooo-Bun-Too Ooo-Bune-Too
  18. Tharic-Nar

    Five Web Browsers: Which is the Fastest?

    Yeah, I've got to agree, Chrome's memory footprint is one of the highest, partly why it's so fast. Firefox has a much lower footprint, in fact, one of the lowest, still need to confirm it with IE, but the problem with IE is that it can hide a lot of it's memory in resident Windows applications...
  19. Tharic-Nar

    AMD and Valve Provide Drivers to Gamers Over Steam

    AMD announced a collaborative effort with Valve to provide ATI Catalyst Drivers to Steam client users. Steam will detect which AMD branded GPU you have and provide the relevant updates for it. This is a very important move as Drivers are quite often the number one external factor for games not...