Search results

  1. Tharic-Nar

    How Did Big Tech Companies Get Their Names?

    Asus do pronounce it ah-sus, they keep correcting people, just everyone else says ae-sus or variants thereof , lol.
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Got an issue

    Hidden browser download managers.... the joys of. You just saved me going through all the usual paraphernalia related to isolating high ping time causes. Wireless network, peak time, dodgy router, background processes, etc etc... But never mind, always good when a problem solves itself.
  3. Tharic-Nar

    Linux help for a wireless usb adapter

    I think that Belkin adapter uses a Broadcom chip (not certain), if it does, good news (in the long run), Broadcom has gone official with linux drivers, and started development, instead of people relying on community developed drivers. It won't help you now, but it might do later (as they will...
  4. Tharic-Nar

    Pick me some cans!

    Lol, They're £35 here, which is about $50.... but then you have about £20-£30 delivery to CA, so you're talking $80-$90, which is basically what they sell for in CA, lol.
  5. Tharic-Nar

    Mandelbrot Fractal Zoomed in to 6.066+e228 = Hypnotic

    Now that is indeed cool. They would put the Helix nebula in there or 'eye of god' - shame it didn't have a time reference close to its code name of NGC 7293. There must have been some serious figuring out with all the music composition to get everything lined up, creating audio loops is hard...
  6. Tharic-Nar

    Pick me some cans!

    I would have suggested the Mionix Keid 20, but they are very expensive over in the US and CA, but cheap over here in the UK (Mionix is a Swedish company). They lack bass, but otherwise fine. There are the SpeedLink Medusa NX stereo's, sound quality is good, but some complaints about build...
  7. Tharic-Nar

    Pick me some cans!

    You after a headset (one with an integrated mic) rather than just a pair of headphones?
  8. Tharic-Nar

    Pick me some cans!

    Always tricky looking for headphones, the last time I went looking was about 3-4 years ago, and I spent 2-3 weeks searching, looking and reading reviews. It mostly comes down to what are you after, and what are you willing to compromise on. Ok, so with all that in mind, what are you after? lol
  9. Tharic-Nar

    Google Gives Us Our Search Results Even Faster

    I can understand the flickering problem as you type, but dare I say, most of us can't touch-type, so we're staring at the keyboard oblivious to the live changes on screen, which means that the function is almost useless to us regular typists. Google's made quite a big change to their engine...
  10. Tharic-Nar

    Windows screwed me over once again!

    It took Adobe over 20 years and 14 versions of Illustrator to add scroll wheel support to the layers panel... bezier curves, easy, auto transformation and blending of curves, no sweat, gradient meshes and envelope distortion, piece of cake..... scroll wheel support on one panel, shit, how can we...
  11. Tharic-Nar

    ORIGIN PC's "The Big O" is About as High-End as a PC Can Get

    Should be fixed now. And the term you're looking for is Geekasm. :p I know it's an O.... but oh well. Shame the thing will be completely and hopelessly underpowered in 2 months time, that Xbox 360 is the only thing preventing it from looking like a dinosaur... :D
  12. Tharic-Nar

    AMD and NVIDIA to Launch New GPU Models Soon

    When inflation changed the units of blood into Vital Organs to stay balanced on the edge, which may continue to increase to that of Pets. As for AMD releasing the 67XX first... maybe it'll kick the ass of Nvidia's 460 and 470, or perform more in line with AMD's own 5850, possibly 5870. So when...
  13. Tharic-Nar

    Windows screwed me over once again!

    Aww man, you got bit by this issue again, albeit under a different pretence. Thanks for reminding me (us?) when it comes to a new install of 7. Such a serious design flaw... Though why it dropped you from admin to guest is beyond me.... no warnings or anything?
  14. Tharic-Nar

    Facebook Requires A Mobile Number To Access My Account?

    It's been some time since I logged into my account, and I too remember this BS. The only way round it is patience and friends. If you confirm friends with about 5 other people and wait about 3 months (!), then you shouldn't need activating via mobile, email was enough, at least that's what...
  15. Tharic-Nar

    Edison to Control Movie Industry, Fails - History Repeating?

    "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke, 1729-1797. It's amusing to think how often we use that quote in one form or another and never take heed of the advice it tries to imbue upon us. Back in 1908, Thomas Edison tried to take control of the movie industry through...
  16. Tharic-Nar

    TRENDnet TEW-637AP Wireless N Access Point

    That model supports WMM, a form of QoS, but limited to Wireless only... quick description... If you're trying to get QoS on your local machine (not including other networked PCs), you can get some software that'll prioritise traffic for you, but only on the local machine. I haven't read into it...
  17. Tharic-Nar

    Intel vs AMD 2011

    While I don't like linking to other articles, can't avoid it this time, but Anandtech got their hands on a Sandy Bridge test chip 5 months early.... it's not what you would call a production sample, but the performance numbers are definitely something to ponder over, a good 20%+ performance...
  18. Tharic-Nar

    I need some networking suggestions...

    For a NIC... for anything decent, you're pretty much limited to Intel, especially when it comes to Linux, but most NIC's should work with Linux these days. Something like the Intel PRO/1000 PT, CT or ET (bit of a stretch), PCI-E, single or dual port versions, various offloading features...
  19. Tharic-Nar

    TRENDnet TEW-637AP Wireless N Access Point

    It seems it's mainly the N and G+ routers in the Belkin range that support QoS, most of the standard G's don't - and even then, it's only over wireless using 11e filtering, no custom settings. Going through the manuals for the ones that do support QoS, the options is usually in Wireless -...
  20. Tharic-Nar

    TRENDnet TEW-637AP Wireless N Access Point

    Try and look around for a QoS (Quality of Service) option, usually hidden away in either port forwarding or admin, most routers (over the last 5 years at least) have some kind of QoS option, and set HTTP and FTP to Low Priority. If you know the port the game uses, set that as a custom port...