The Official "I'm Pumped About Battlefield 3" Thread


Tech Monkey
This was supposed to be EDIT #3!: but Optix made a post so I have to add as another post....I forgot the east coast is now waking up (c;'E3-2011:-Thunder-Run'-Trailer

This is the video they showed at E3 at high res and I just got a major hard on for this game! I don't care if I have to sell oranges by the freeway on ramp! I will have this game one way or another on release day! I have said before I use to be in the Air Force and I worked on a powerful but the under appreciated B1 Bomber, well at 7:48 of this video they have 2 fly over with the wings swept back in full augmentation (or aug for short)! The engines are glowing red and not blue indicative of afterburners not augmentation but nothing is perfect, I am just thrilled the B1B is in a AAA game. I was a Jet Engine Mechanic btw. If you are little more curious about the B1B's capabilities check this video out

Also this was done back in 2002 by some one in the 34th Bomb Squadron I am not sure who, but I do have an original so the quality is as good as it gets. Quick story about these guys though. I saw a training video of a concrete bunker getting hit from a dumb fire (no guidance once released from the bay) concrete training bomb from 30 thousand feet up, they were aiming for the window of the bunker.....they only missed it by 6 feet to the left. Like I said under appreciated.

Andrew WK? That's a name I haven't heard in about 8 years.

I know right! I heard he is now doing a kids science show. At least it's a more steady pay check.


Okay BF3 is like the gift that keeps on giving here is an extend shaky cam from the floor of BF3 for any one who wants to see it....and really who doesn't if your in this thread?
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Basket Chassis
Staff member
I'm ramped for the inclusion of fighter jets and the what-the-hell-were-you-thinking-by-leaving-it-out return of the prone position. Nobody is going to be safe from my recon now!


Tech Monkey
F*%& the EA master server crashed and it kicked everyone from the server. It's empty now...we did have it full. Probably won't be full again till later tonight. T_T


Tech Monkey
I just tried to give it a go. I just wasn't meant to be right now. Had one guy on the team who decide now was a good time for a carrier change so he was removing the fence at our base, then another guy thought sniping involved shooting the sand castle and not other ppl, lol. There was 18 ppl or so on then it went down 8 so after that I knew I was with the special team so I said forget it. I'm getting something for lunch and gonna try later, I'm keepin the faith TCS!


Tech Monkey
Well thanks for not being one of those ppl who just plays 5 minutes and says "f*$& it this server sucks!" and leaves. Nice to see someone who has a bit of dedication. lol. You'll get a good game on there eventually. It's nearly full right now...might be dead by morning. We'll see.


Tech Monkey
Nope, I am not I am not one who is going to call the whole crate of apples bad because of a few of that are bad. I am going to have to try it again on Monday night, got so much little stuff going on this weekend it will be hard to give a good opinion of the server until regulars are on anyways.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
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Tech Monkey


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Tech Monkey
The graphics are looking insane. I might have to upgrade my rig just to be able to run it.

What are your current specs? I played in the alpha and my rig (specs in my sig minus 4GB of RAM...just put another stick in last week) got me anywhere from 30-100fps on max settings. Then again, once the beta and final build are released, it will look a whole lot better and probably run slower.


Tech Monkey
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