Search results

  1. Tharic-Nar

    NVIDIA Launches GeForce GTX 460 SE

    All they need to do now is start a new naming scheme by rebranding the current GTX 580 and we have a repeating cycle. The 8000 series was released, this then had a minor clock change and became the 9000 series and then later rebranded to become the GTX 200 series... Just look at Creative -...
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Ok...this is...I have no idea

    The Vocaloid characters are of cult status with millions of followers. No idea how many characters there are, 12 or something. That green haired one, Miku, is by far the most popular, they even wanted to name a train after 'her' in japan. Creepy just doesn't quite cover it, lol. The Vocaloids...
  3. Tharic-Nar

    Ok...this is...I have no idea

    I'm going to be shot for this, but anyway... It's a very clever trick, there are no holographics involved. It's a large glass sheet that spans the stage with 3 projectors behind it. The characters are Vocaloid performers and the 3D models and dance software is powered by Sega. If you watch...
  4. Tharic-Nar

    Alright, I need to learn how to OC

    You should be able to run the trial for free, then at least you can tell if it'll work properly, it should just leave a watermark like FRAPS does. I haven't used it myself, don't have the processing grunt to play games on this system, let alone record.
  5. Tharic-Nar

    Alright, I need to learn how to OC

    Could try PlawClaw, Rob reviewed that a while ago as an alternative to FRAPS, it had better performance, just had a couple issues. Might be fixed and working now.
  6. Tharic-Nar

    Dual boot from old HDD mounted externally

    Another idea would be to install a Virtualization client such as VMWare or VirtualPC on your new PC, install XP and your apps, then run it that way. You will need a valid license for XP though, which may not be possible with an 'off the shelf' PC, since they often come with recovery discs and...
  7. Tharic-Nar

    Asus's Sabertooth P67 Sandy Bridge Motherboard has a Tactical Vest

    I want one.... really... I do.... Seriously... They certainly know how to pluck those 'military grade' designs. Damn.... I really do want one. 5 Year warranty probably, like the last... if only they could make a GPU that lasts longer than 6 months... Hop to it ASUS... Military grade GPU's please.
  8. Tharic-Nar

    Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace Goes Live

    Couple weeks back, Microsoft announced its Steam like service would be going live November 15th. Well, surprisingly, it kept its word and it's now up and running. Marketplace will now be part of the Games for Windows Live application as well as have a dedicated website. Many games are already...
  9. Tharic-Nar

    FireFox 4 Beta 7 Released

    After some more use, there are still a few niggles i have. One, the new UI is taking a little getting used to, namely the page reload is now on the far right of the address bar, rather than with the back, forward and home buttons. Also, the link address that was normally in the bottom left is...
  10. Tharic-Nar

    FireFox 4 Beta 7 Released

    Start times are much faster, still not chrome fast, but much faster than FF 3. First Run is slow though (first as in, after install), so bare that in mind, probably to do with configuration and database stuff, but it runs quick after that.
  11. Tharic-Nar

    FireFox 4 Beta 7 Released

    Normally, we wouldn't announce new versions of beta software, but a rare exception can be made here. Firefox 4 has been at the forefront of my mind for quite a while, promising much needed enhancements to a somewhat aged browser. Firefox 3 was met with a fair amount of criticism, it was slow...
  12. Tharic-Nar

    Alright, second time around PC build

    Chassis' rarely change in price, and not made obsolete every 6 months. By purchasing a new chassis, you can save up for some hot, more modern gear. As you already said what you have works fine for now, getting a beefier chassis means you can fit more into it at a later date. Remember, inbound...
  13. Tharic-Nar

    Logitech Marathon Mouse M705

    Just a quick update, had a minor issue with the setpoint software. The application specific button assignment decided to 'forget' one of the bindings for Borderlands. I had the 8th button set for 'C' or crouch. For the last 2 weeks it was fine, worked perfectly. Booted up borderlands yesterday...
  14. Tharic-Nar

    AMD Delays HD 6990 'Antilles' till Q1 2011

    Crocodile Dundee to the rescue! But yeah, i don't see the delay as a real issue, it's only a few weeks over.... not 6 months... well, not yet anyway.
  15. Tharic-Nar

    AMD Delays HD 6990 'Antilles' till Q1 2011

    AMD quietly announced that it would be delaying it's upcoming flagship 6000 series graphics card till the first quarter of 2011. The Antilles GPU would have been the most powerful offering from AMD's current GPU lineup. A dual GPU based graphics card utilizing two Cayman based chips that will be...
  16. Tharic-Nar

    Help!! I Need a New Laptop (Seriously I do)

    Now that I know what's really on your mind... :p For the 17" range at the $500-$800 mark, you're pretty much limited to last generation and before components. I will warn you that 17" shouldn't really be considered a laptop, they're more 'Desktop Replacement', they have the performance but...
  17. Tharic-Nar

    Question about my motherboard

    Both slots are x16 slots, but the second only has x4 active lanes, making it 16 slot in size with 4 active lanes. But to answer your question, after reading a few articles around the web, yes there is a performance hit with using 16x4, but no it's not serious. Because the board uses PCIe 2.0...
  18. Tharic-Nar

    Dropping Chrome 7 - switching back to the Fox

    I'll run Chrome with resource tracking enabled on offending sites and see if there's a correlation, see which element is consuming the most time/resources...
  19. Tharic-Nar

    Gran Turismo 5 Leaked in Europe

    Last month we detailed that Gran Turismo 5 had been <a href="">delayed</a> yet again, past its November 2nd release date. A small reprieve in the announcement by Sony mentioned a release date of 'this holiday season'. While an update is now way...
  20. Tharic-Nar

    Dropping Chrome 7 - switching back to the Fox

    There are problems with certain sites, i don't know if it is to do with jscript or some such, but while browsing, some of the 'next page' links are not click-able, the drop down menu doesn't always display, etc. Some retail sites like amazon and uk based