Search results

  1. Tharic-Nar

    AMD Radeon HD 6870 & HD 6850 Some sites DID use it as the comparison, saying that the FTW was cheaper and faster... the 6870 was only compared with the 460 FTW and the 5850... but thankfully, a few others...
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Steam Offer: Batman Arkham Asykum

    Batman's on sale atm, via steam, I believe it's cheaper than amazon, but since i can only see the UK, you'll have to check yourself. Currently 66% off over the weekend... so low it's a joke(er).... *slams head against keyboard in shame* So if you don't have it already.....
  3. Tharic-Nar

    Microsoft Announces Games for Windows Marketplace

    Microsoft announced today the upcoming service called Games for Windows Marketplace. This is basically a Steam-like extension to the Games for Windows platform. It will be going live on November 15 (just in time for Christmas it seems), and will provide much of the same service as Steam, such as...
  4. Tharic-Nar

    In the TG Lab: Intel Ethernet Server Adapter I340 Network Card

    As a side, and as Rob mentioned, an Intel CT card is defiantly a worthy alternative to any integrated NIC's. I've just popped one into my server, been running it for the last few days with some huge data transfers and backups. At 70-80 MB/s (about 60-70% throughput), the NIC is only stressing...
  5. Tharic-Nar

    Graphics Card Questions

    The problem with upgrading your CPU only will be the FSB locked at 800 and possibly memory. The extra 1.0-1.2GHz will help, but you'll run into bandwidth limitations. Games are cache and latency sensitive typically (not all), so the FSB will prove to be the bottleneck. But you could probably see...
  6. Tharic-Nar

    Pirate Parties in Space?

    Pirate Parties International, the umbrella organization for the worldwide Pirate Parties, are bouncing ideas around the prospect of launching a satellite for the purpose of hosting a torrent site in space. Why you may ask? So that it can not be taken down for breach of copyright... there are no...
  7. Tharic-Nar

    Graphics Card Questions

    If you went with the 650TX PSU, then yeah, you could easily supply power to a 5770, it could handle 2 actually, but your motherboard couldn't. So if you plan to make a long term upgrade plan, e.g. buy the GPU and PSU now, then replace the MB/CPU later, then this makes sense. For your current...
  8. Tharic-Nar

    Graphics Card Questions

    The 3 major problems are... 1) Dell is infamous for poor upgrade options. What should technically be possible, often results in a failed upgrade, mainly because dell builds the system to spec with no prospect of upgrade options. 2) The CPU will be a problem, you could fit in a new GPU if you...
  9. Tharic-Nar

    Won a Gigabyte P55A UD7

    16GB was the limit for 4 slots (4x4), but 4GB modules were still expensive so largely impractical. Thankfully, prices are now coming down to more sane levels (approx. 20-25% premium per GB, used to be around an 800% premium!). People went for 2GB modules due to price and that caps at 8GB. 1366...
  10. Tharic-Nar

    Gran Turismo 5 - Forever

    Some interesting information for all of you... the delay may be related to the PS3 hack that's finding it's way into thousands of tricked out USB devices. GT5 was set to go gold (master disc made), but Sony decided to preload it with the 3.50 firmware as to prevent the use of the USB Hack. This...
  11. Tharic-Nar

    Just had one of those days...

    "I want a wireless keyboard that'll work with my phone..." - Why... it has full qwerty? how could you see the screen and check what you wrote.... "I want to connect my phone to a TV..." - Why? upscale a 320x240 picture to a 40" TV.... yikes. "This BD doesn't work in my DVD drive..." - ... "My PC...
  12. Tharic-Nar

    Just had one of those days...

    May have seen this before, but this best describes what i had to go through with a friend and his PC... <object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01"></param><param...