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  1. Tharic-Nar

    An EA Origin EULA I can finally agree to...

    Title says it all really. I loaded up Origin.... because I wanted to punish myself... and it wanted to update. So I continued and it presented a EULA, as per usual. I waited and waited, then finally, it appeared... Finally, EA did something right - this is a EULA I can finally agree to in...
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Elite: Dangerous

    Elite: Dangerous - being made by David Braben (and Frontier Developments) ... That is all. If you are not up to speed on Elite and Frontier, or David Braben, this is the man that created a game, and entire galaxy made of...
  3. Tharic-Nar


    *pop*... *pop-pop*....*pop*.... What...? I'm releasing trapped air back into society, it's called recycling, it's very therapeutic... *pop...*
  4. Tharic-Nar

    DirectX 11.1 is exclusive to Windows 8

    Microsoft needs a bigger foot, it's running out of places to shoot itself... or it just needs to load blanks instead. Honestly though, this isn't going to make the blindest bit of difference when so few games use DirectX 10 or 11, let alone 11.1. There are a few things that 11.1 brings, but...
  5. Tharic-Nar

    Trailer for my upcoming Battlefield 3 montage.

    Don't bother with DVD backups, waste of money really and for such little storage and a huge time-sink to burn each of them, label, etc. Sticking to large HDD is the better bet - but as you have noticed, you have to keep them balanced to prevent overflow. To get around this, you can use a form of...
  6. Tharic-Nar

    The Best Worst Thing

    Wasn't this the whole idea behind Java? Platform agnostic - not OS or Hardware, but platform. You create one set of code that will run on all 'compatible' devices. It's just a shame that functions are deprecated so fast and the only people creating the runtime environments charge an arm and a...
  7. Tharic-Nar

    F1 Racestars

    The Top Gear test track has appeared in a couple games, namely Gran Turismo 5, and supposedly in Forza 4. - From Wikipedia
  8. Tharic-Nar

    Prototype of Google's Upcoming Nexus 4 Left in SF Bar Last Month

    Good old Tesla, and not a shit was given until well over a century later. Anyway, I think these chargers are induction chargers, like you have with toothbrushes, but over a large flat area. Can't say for certain though, might be RF based. I'll find out later what it is. Yeah, it's just an...
  9. Tharic-Nar

    The Best Worst Thing

    Modern UI for Desktops - change - equal bad. Modern UI for tablets - new - equal good. The interface lends itself well to a new type of user interaction, touch. As a replacement to the current system that is on the desktop, it's bad, very bad, and not very compatible with the current interface...
  10. Tharic-Nar

    Minecraft Unseats Call of Duty as Most-played Xbox 360 Game

    For about as long as the Xbox 360 has existed, it's always been an FPS title that's dominated the #1 spot of the "most played" list (tallied as people playing the game while also logged into Xbox Live). Key titles in this list have been Gears of War, Halo, and most recently, Call of Duty. In...
  11. Tharic-Nar

    Have a Clean Mouth? You Get Plants vs. Zombies for Free!

    This is, without a doubt, one of the strangest game promotions I've ever seen... but it's worth it. The folks at PopCap have teamed up with the American Dental Association to offer both a free game (Plants vs. Zombies) and free... dental advice. That's right - if you were unaware of the "2x2"...
  12. Tharic-Nar

    Prototype of Google's Upcoming Nexus 4 Left in SF Bar Last Month

    Tell me if you've heard this one before: a guy walks into a bar with a prototype phone, and leaves it there. Alright, that's not the best joke out of the book, but given the fact that it's true, and it's happened before, no punchline is really needed when the premise is hilarious in itself...
  13. Tharic-Nar

    raspberry pi anyone?

    Higher resistance means less power going through the probe (the tighter the valve, the less water that can flow). The sensors I have are 0.2C accurate between 0-70C. I re-read an article to make sure things are fine, and they should be. Its reference 50k probes, going by the graph, are good...
  14. Tharic-Nar

    raspberry pi anyone?

    I've been switching things around on the hardware side. I decided to see the impact of power filtering. It's not a clear cut, but the irregularity of the sensor is noticeable - it can 'scatter' by 0.5 degrees in either direction. With filtering, it's a lot more incremental, steady steps. I then...
  15. Tharic-Nar

    Shit Android Users Say

    My Phone is over 5 years old. It makes calls and can send texts. Internet access is limited to emails, no 3G or 4G. It has no widgets, gadgets, apps, it can't play movies, it can barely handle MP3s. Yet it can do something that nearly all modern mobiles can't... Stay switched on for over a week...
  16. Tharic-Nar

    raspberry pi anyone?

    Yes, they are both the same, it's just that floating points in general are technically slower and with only 6-7 digits of precision, so it makes no difference. There is an exception... So I might as well...
  17. Tharic-Nar

    raspberry pi anyone?

    For posterity, here's the code I used. It was heavily based on the Thermistor2 Sketch, but extended, plus some help from the Thermistor4 Sketch, as detailed in this new Sketch. It uses the full equation, also changed some of the variables to make them clearer (for me) to understand. For...
  18. Tharic-Nar

    raspberry pi anyone?

    At the moment, it's windows because handling all the reference research would be a little too much on the RPi at the moment. However, the Arduino IDE is multi-platform, it doesn't matter where I write the code, it behaves the same - I'll load it up on the RPi and you can see for yourself. The...
  19. Tharic-Nar

    raspberry pi anyone?

    So I ran into complications, (as one does), an incorrect resistor (47Ohm instead of 49K9) and the wrong coefficients derived from an incorrect thermistor model number, plus a lot of mucking around in the Arduino IDE - I managed to (finally) get one of the thermistors reading temps, and very...
  20. Tharic-Nar

    Windows 8 Launches Friday - Will You Be Buying It?

    Try VirtualBox. I was going to suggest Microsoft Virtual PC, but that doesn't seem to support Windows 8 at the moment. Interestingly though, Windows 8 itself will come with Hyper-V for virtualizing - the same stack used in Windows Server.