I'm more interested in the LED water cooled fans.
I'm more interested in the LED water cooled fans.
GeForce® 7100 IGP and SIS 760 gaming IGP and ATI Radeon HD 2400XT, with all these graphics cores no wonder this is a good gaming PC!
You guys missed something vital - 'Windows Pro installed' - it's a professional gaming system after all, it has 3 GPUs.
And those motherboards are a bargain, is that Nano-ITX's anorexic sister's friend's cousin?
I interviewed a gentleman a couple of years back that put Windows XP Server in his areas of expertise and certification on his resume. We called him in for a in-person interview out of curiosity but primarily for kicks. It made for an enjoyable interview.
Hah... I am not too sure I'd be that trusting of someone who can't even get the OS they're an "expert" at correct.