I believe it was simply Krylon semi-gloss white.
*bloooooows the dust off...*
Please pardon my "less than gracefull re-entry back into this mod.
Several things came out of a trip I took reciently that have allowed me to progress a few things on this mod...
So, without further adeiu...
I scuffed the top and sides way back in March.
I also painted the pieces way back then too!
The two uncut decal layouts...
Robidas being trimmed up for decal removal. These are waterslide decals. Which means that when I remove them, they are completely emersed in water. Since I print these on an ink jet, I must shoot a solid layer of clear coat on top of the decal print job. If I dont get compete coverage... well, you can likely guess what will happen...
1st time, I did not use enough clear sealent and the colors bled out...
Whoops... transparent is just that.... you need an all white background for phtography like this to work. Also, putting a tranparent decal on a black surface should be considered a general no-no, there is nothing to bring the colors of the picture out. Use transparent only on lighter backgrounds....
I have a friend, and he hooks me up so well....
Now, I also had several completely custom 80mm fan grills and several 120mm fan grills that are patterned after the Dallas Stars logo, incorporating the Star from the middle to make the fan grill....
Those are high res shots printed straight on the vinyl.