Apologies for the lack of updates. Ankle recovery is nearly completed! (YAY!) ... I took my first "long walk" with the dog in 2 months tonight, everything felt good! I've had a hard time standing for long periods and that has cut severly into my ability to work in the garage as I would like...
So tonight, after my walk, I went out and went to work on the feet. 2 nights ago, I Had done some prep work that consisted of using my adjustable hole cutter and cut out 12 1/8" thick, 2" diameter circles. I am using 4 soft rubber hockey puck replicas as feet for the case. 4 rubber feet, 3 discs per foot... the acrylic layers sandwiched together and layered with weld-on, with a screw through the middle going 1/2" down into the rubber puck.
I then burrowed a 3mm wide hole into the layers of acrylic tonight, and built out 4 single 3mm green LED circuits. Eavh puck's acrylic layer will have a green LED lighting up the space between the puck and the case. Green (obviously) for the Dallas Stars. I then has a 2" silicone "washer" that is going to lie between the bottom of the case and the tops of these LED's... hoping that this will absorb a bit of the shock of movement, as well as setup an insulating layer electrically between the steel of the case and the 5v LED lines that will be running under the case to a central point.
I lit them all up and they look great! Took some pics but I am a bit too tired to crop and post... this case must be done by Nov. 15th. Obviously sooner, the better. so be on the look out for a blast of updates out of me this comming week and a half! Might just go ahead and bring it down to the Mabry Intel/Dell LAN event and try to get some work on it done there. Depends on how much room I have in the vehicle.... ANYWAYS...
more to come!