Mugshot Page


What's left of me, not quite dead yet, undetermined if getting better....if it works anyway..don't keep images on line these days...


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Never found fighting to be all that much fun, and is a very risky thing since I lost a wrestling match with a 4000Lb 4140 gear blank forging and a mucked up hoist/crane with a 180 degree swing a few years ago and wracked up my spine, even less fond of being paralyzed from the right buttock down and that feeling of having a paint scraper inserted tween a couple vertebrae lol.

Hades man, never know if I am walking or crawling when I wake up, so fisticuffs not on my list of things to do for amusement haha.
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Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
And now for me. Notice the tired eyes and douchey hair. He's calling for you. Reach out.



Tech Monkey
Another old man posting his picture for internet fame.


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IN order.

I'm in front with the thumbs up. Mad Matt in the back, and Rob Williams to my left.


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The Tech Wizard

Hairy face 8
Babyface 4

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:
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Tech Monkey
The really funny thing is that you would honestly expect the babyface's to win. Amazingly enough it is the rough look that is so far ahead, LOL!!!!


ya i know man. im just joshin

I pretty much figured you were, but then a bit'o a pause at thy sig...THUMper could imply...haha. And I have known blokes who thought a knock down drag out on the weekend was the ultimate fun, something I never been able to fathom. Don't like getting bruised and battered myself, and always found inflicting harm on another just as unpleasant.

Though there are times when there is no other option and principle and honor demand it. Like in my distant youth, went up against some 15-20 KKK, Skinheads (Fascist as opposed to Red and or Anarcho Skins ya know the Rash, Sharpe sorts the good guys as opposed to the prior) types going to burn a cross in front of a Apt a black family just moved into...not in my working class hood lol...needless to say got stomped pretty good. But, the dirty deed went unexecuted.

Jen McPherson

Resident Artist Nerd
Alright... well I know I don't post up here often, which is my bad, but I'm around regardless. I tend to read but not reply... for I usually don't know what to say. >.<

So yeah, anyway here's me. Piccy taken a few min ago. Blargh. Nice to see what all you guys look like. ^^


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Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
We practically have the entire staff's mugs up for the world to see. I kind of like this thread :D


I pretty much figured you were, but then a bit'o a pause at thy sig...THUMper could imply...haha. And I have known blokes who thought a knock down drag out on the weekend was the ultimate fun, something I never been able to fathom. Don't like getting bruised and battered myself, and always found inflicting harm on another just as unpleasant.

Though there are times when there is no other option and principle and honor demand it. Like in my distant youth, went up against some 15-20 KKK, Skinheads (Fascist as opposed to Red and or Anarcho Skins ya know the Rash, Sharpe sorts the good guys as opposed to the prior) types going to burn a cross in front of a Apt a black family just moved into...not in my working class hood lol...needless to say got stomped pretty good. But, the dirty deed went unexecuted.

I've been in a couple skirmishes with some bone heads over here. They were picking on my buddy (a trad) for dating a girl they knew. She really had no idea what they were up to (selling drugs/guns) so once he found out who she was friends with he decided to break it off. Thats where it got bad. So we had to stick up for him when we found the chance, since they mostly picked on him after he got off work. Anyway. I don't fight unless its necessary. Although a good brawl with my close friends is always a good time! haha

Rory Buszka

Partition Master
Yours truly.


Age 22, 5'9", 185lb. Audio enthusiast, PC enthusiast, dog enthusiast. Tryin' to be less fat these days, but failing...

Damn you, Jones Soda!
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The Tech Wizard
Yours truly.

Age 22, 5'9", 185lb. Audio enthusiast, PC enthusiast, dog enthusiast. Tryin' to be less fat these days, but failing...

Damn you, Jones Soda!

We are all trying to defy gravity these least to a lesser point.
I think the earth core has evolved into a greater density...
The days are shorter,, the years go by too fast.
The ozone layer has let in more ultraviolet rays to make my hair grey.

I'm coming back as a

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:
An older picture, but it's the only thing I have on hand.

Please don't mind the de-saturation, unless you want a totally yellow photo.


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