Mugshot Page


The Tech Wizard
Put up your photo ( small size )
So we can see who we are posting with.

Merlin :techgage:


The Tech Wizard

Just sitting arround


  • Merlins.jpg
    59.2 KB · Views: 1,165


Tech Monkey
I just know that you're trying to get me to crash the site by posting my pic aren't you................;)

Here's the best I could do on short notice, you'll have to excuse the expression a little, I had to take a handful of pain meds this morning.


  • DSC00324.JPG
    236.1 KB · Views: 1,099
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Tech Monkey
What's up with only the old guys posting pics............;)

All you other folks need to post pics of yourself as well...........:)


The Tech Wizard
Great idea guys! I will get a pic up when I am NOT ON DIAL UP!
I have never seen any of the other forums do this...So We are UNIQUE
I Thought it might be kewl to see the guys ( Manly Men ) that discus items of interest together.



Tech Monkey
LOL.........It's been done.........;) I've started it on several and posted my pic alort, but most people don't really want to take part..........:eek:


The Tech Wizard
Wow Merlin, you actually kinda look like your avatar :D
Oh, Geee Wizzzz
I was the Doc when I worked at Lockheed, and the wizard with repairs.
In my art I went with Merlin for years now. It just stuck.
Way, way back I was SirMark of Kent....I was knighted at the Georgia Renaissance Festival for making really nice swords of stainless and making them look old and battle worthy by the king of the festival.
I get into all sorts of

( Change is good it awakens the sleeper in us all, Let the Sleeper Awaken ) " D U N E "

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:
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