Good idead but there .16TG ones. WEll iv run memtest #5 21 times @ 2.5-3-3-10 ddr510 2V6+V03 and its stable. running all memtests now. So the extra 5mhz fsb must be making the memory unstable and not the voltage
i have an old fan out of a dell optiplex GX1, http://www.impactcomputers.com/89651.html. That seems like a very expensive fan? its must be amazing! Any ideas if its worth using, if so wheres the best place, considering i dhave a zalam 770 wich covers the ram slightly so i cant put it where you put urs rob
i have an old fan out of a dell optiplex GX1, http://www.impactcomputers.com/89651.html. That seems like a very expensive fan? its must be amazing! Any ideas if its worth using, if so wheres the best place, considering i dhave a zalam 770 wich covers the ram slightly so i cant put it where you put urs rob
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