Search results

  1. liqnit

    Favorite MMORPG games?

    mine is WoW i beta it and played after it is great i also beta AutoAssult which i liked very much and long long time ago i played StarPeace
  2. liqnit

    Still have Pc-3200?

    i ahev PC-3200 and i think the move to DDR2 will take me a long time
  3. liqnit

    Anybody else use only the onboard audio?

    i use onboard sound and since the ALC850 is doing ok for i don't see the point of getting a SOundCard
  4. liqnit

    New Chipset Heatsink?

    i must say 7 x 120mm probably make the room shake ;) what amount of noise you get ?
  5. liqnit

    Stopping Pirated software - a new approach

    Russian Software Developer Beats Pirate in Boxing Ring i guess the software pirate didn;t think it could be happning to him :D the details
  6. liqnit

    Vista is not so memory hungry

    my guess - a good vista machine will require 1.4GHZ & 512MB system
  7. liqnit

    Looking for a program to fix dead pixels..

    hope it will help you could you post the result
  8. liqnit

    Battlefield 2142

    great idea of taking the great experience of BF1942 and create a new game in the future
  9. liqnit

    AGEIA @ Game Developers Conference

    this sounds very intresting will there be like an advanced version of a cpu and consumer version
  10. liqnit

    100 Game developers

    a long 9 pages article about game devlopers very intersting to see the people behind the games
  11. liqnit

    google 2 new services - Finance & Joga

    Googlr has started 2 new services - Finance portal & search engine Joga - the community for football players dedicated to keeping the game beautiful.
  12. liqnit

    Anybody else try to get 3 years out of their computer?

    before my last computer burn away - i had had it for almost 3.5 years. i would keep it but as i said he died ...
  13. liqnit

    Vista is not so memory hungry

    i thnk Vista is better debugged then XP . they did a very long time of testing almost 4 yrs
  14. liqnit

    Cebit 2006 Preview

    if they are looking they cand send a board & cpu i will test gladly;)
  15. liqnit

    Pizza or Burger?

    yes fried vegis on a pizza makes it healthy :D i go with pizza also it usually taste better
  16. liqnit

    Cebit 2006 Preview

    i hope they will keep the beta runing as long as possible it will delay the first SP because more things will be fixed. and they have so many version to test....
  17. liqnit

    Vista is not so memory hungry

    i put the link few posts above :D
  18. liqnit

    Cebit 2006 Preview

    i agree Intel has decided to fight amd with somthing diffrent then pure speed
  19. liqnit

    Vista is not so memory hungry

    it is probably was loaded with a lot of apps and got to 800MB.
  20. liqnit

    Vista is not so memory hungry

    at some places over the net you could think that Vista will consume so much memry that it is unbelieved but in the following article you can see that even on 512MB PC vista is using only 237MB. Vista is using the memry depending on the size available onm th PC.