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  1. crowTrobot

    Official: First NVIDIA Fermi Cards are GTX 470, GTX 480

    Yeah I've been saving for this and thinking of an SLI setup. Probably with the 470 unless the 480 is ridiculously low priced (unlikely, but Nvidia did say that they are "surprisingly cheaper")
  2. crowTrobot

    Wooden PC Case in the making - Got Questions.

    Those temps look pretty damn good for that space. I figured an area that small would be producing Pentium 4-like heat, looks like I was wrong.
  3. crowTrobot

    rampage extreme 2

    The ROG boards look pretty damn sexy. I wish my X58 board was one. Maybe next time. lol.
  4. crowTrobot

    Intel Core i7 - Choosing the Best Memory Kit

    Wow this article is exactly what I need. I am building a new X58 system and the only part I need to buy is RAM and CPU Heatsink (but that can wait, I can use the stock one for now). Thanks!