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  1. Buck-O

    Razer Krait MMO/RTS Gaming Mouse

    I agree completely with what Greg said...what exactly does this mouse do? Whats it for? Is there a need for an MMO/RPG mouse? Of course not. I think what happened here is that they had this brain storm to develop a cunsumer level mouse, to compete with the like of generic Logitech, and MS...
  2. Buck-O

    Arctic Cooling Silentium T2

    Greatest Console ever...poor marketing be damned.
  3. Buck-O

    Arctic Cooling Silentium T2

    SO where's the bag attatchment to collect all fo the dust bunnies you will be sucking up from the back underside of your desk while this is running? Im sorry, but you could have the best designed case in the world, and the moment you made it draw air from the base, i would give it the lowest...
  4. Buck-O

    Gas Prices

    One barrel = 19.5 gallons of gasoline, 9 gallons of fuel oil, 4 gallons of jet fuel, and 11 gallons of other products, including lubricants, kerosene, asphalt, and petrochemical feedstocks to make plastics. Ive seen the same statistical data pushed around on several other sites. So, total...
  5. Buck-O

    Gas Prices

    I dont think we are likely to see a Diesel Hybrid. As good of an idea as it may be. And i doubt we will really see that much of an impact int he US when the new European Diesel standard hits in 2007 either. And heres my reason for why. The oil cartel is still a business. And as a...
  6. Buck-O

    Gas Prices

    Yet they arent dropping production of the H2...even though it gets roughly the same gas milage. The H1 simpyl wasnt marketable anymore. Becuase it was as large of a vehicle as it was, there was a predisposed notion that it was a gas guzzler. Kinda like, if you throw the word "hybrid" onto...
  7. Buck-O

    Now is the Time for Women in Games

    Funny you should mention Alice. I just found that in a stack of CD's the other day. I thought it had gotten legs and walked off. But it was just misplaced. So i popped it in and played it. I forgot how fun/good of a game it was.
  8. Buck-O

    Ageia PhysX First Look

    Hehe, Touché. Well, i dont think the game publishers can really be blamed for the shortcomings of Agias own bad marketing, and failure to provide development kits earliy int eh development process of the game. From everything ive heard they have bought up some physics properties, then...
  9. Buck-O

    Now is the Time for Women in Games

    I think another problem with women in gaming, is they need to pick better cantidates to represent them. Either they are bulldyke looking man haters who are in the industry to proove somthing. Or they are complete bimbos that slept their way to where they are, only to later pose nude for...
  10. Buck-O

    Ageia PhysX First Look

    Well sorry, but unfortunately your review WILL be like every other review of the card. Not becuase of lack of creative writing skill, But for the simple fact that you will get the exact same results. Weak, crappy, "particle acceleration". All of the games you mentioned, though...
  11. Buck-O

    Ageia PhysX First Look

    Weither or not the PCIe1x slot has more bandwidth, its bus speed is certaintly much faster then that of legacy PCI, and that alone would be a great improvment from its current implimentation.
  12. Buck-O

    AGEIA PhysX.. First Thoughts

    Excelent post. And it hink your are abs9olutely right on every count. I think the timing is a double edged sword. For one, they released it to late. If this had been releases back in the day of the GeForce4, and the Athlon XP, it would have sold like hot cakes. But, unfortuantely at this...
  13. Buck-O

    Ageia PhysX First Look

    Well, there you have it. As i suspected. Poor performance via the outdated PCI bus, throttling back the data through put of the PCIe bus. And lack of truely improved graphics content, due to the fact that reguardless of how much phycis processing you offload from the CPU, the video card can only...
  14. Buck-O

    Gas Prices

    Thats all fine and dandy. But i have to come back to it again. The Oil industryis a CARTEL! And as long as its a Cartel, there is nothing anyone will do about it. And as long as their hands are deep into the pocket of every politician inthe world, they will continue to do nothing. About...
  15. Buck-O

    Mouse Grips

    Well, thats good to hear. How about doing some differnt colors or patterns? It would be kind of nice to have somthing like that, colored with the same style as the most popular gaming mice out there. Go for that stealth look, instead of the ricer look.
  16. Buck-O

    Gas Prices

    With all of the oil companies being forced to switch back over to ethonal, i would agree with you completely, that the DIY distilers will probibly, again, get the short end of the stick. Given that most of the ethonal crop load isnt there anymore. Which kind of brings us to a nother problem...
  17. Buck-O

    Single Core AMD's to have price drop..

    I agree, but disagree. I will agree that Dial cores are for those that need performance. But i dont think that single cores are for "those who don't do much". And more to that end, Dual Cores are more for power users who understand the needs of a SMP setup, and who know how to properly...
  18. Buck-O

    AGEIA PhysX.. First Thoughts

    The two games id really like to see take full PPU support would be GF2, and FEAR, perhaps even Farcry. These three gaems seem to keep patching up for the altest in gaming tech. So im hoping the tred continues with the PPU. A shame about GRAW though. I personally didnt like the game that much...
  19. Buck-O

    Gas Prices

    Yes, the push for BD in this state is preaty rediculas. I still honestly belive in Diesel 100%, i find it to be a far better alternative then regular gasoline, and far better overall then hybrids for initial cost, and cost over time. But, even though containter ships do have higher polution...
  20. Buck-O

    Logisys Clear Acrylic Case

    Heres the pictures. Figured you would like them. THe top one is the one id like to use as an AV...but its just to complex to do a proper transparency.