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  1. Tharic-Nar

    Do Some Video Games Push the Violence Bar too Far?

    Are video games becoming too violent? It's a question that the mainstream media loves to ask on a regular basis, with Bulletstorm most notably being in the hot seat recently. Personally, I don't mind violence in video games, and nor do I believe that video games inspire people to kill in...
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Who Needs Graphics? Play a Game in Your URL Bar!

    I'm not going to jump the gun and call this one of the simplest games ever created, but it has to be right up there. Called URL Hunter, the entire game looks to be coded with the help of JavaScript and simple HTML, and takes place entirely in your address bar... as in, the bar where you normally...
  3. Tharic-Nar

    Windows 7 Libraries and Network Folders

    When typing in path names with spaces in the directory name, you can use quotation marks ( "D:\NETSHARE\My Pictures" ) to prevent this kind of problem. On an aside, I too have been having difficulty in getting this workaround to work again since the article was published - possibly due to a...
  4. Tharic-Nar

    Corsair SP2500 2.1 Gaming Speakers Review

    Yes, I'd pick solid audio quality over positional nearly any day. Movies these days are tuned to 5.1 and in games like various FPSs, hearing someone sneak up behind you is invaluable. If you hear the sound of footsteps over stereo, you tend to misplace the direction and can cause hesitation when...
  5. Tharic-Nar

    Apple Dominates Tablet Sales During Q4 2010

    About a year ago, Apple released its iPad 'tablet' to the world, and in doing so started a chain reaction. At first, many were skeptical to believe that tablets could hold a real market, but it didn't take long before it was proven that yes, many people do want tablets. Not long after the iPad's...
  6. Tharic-Nar

    AMD Talks Performance Increases with Catalyst 11.4

    On Wednesday, we posted a look at AMD's upcoming Catalyst 11.4 driver, and yesterday, the company sent along even more information on what to expect in terms of performance. In the same e-mail, the company reiterated a project it kicked off this past December, called Mjölnir. According to AMD...
  7. Tharic-Nar

    Canon Vows its Support for Intel's Thunderbolt Technology

    A couple of weeks ago, Apple refreshed its entire MacBook Pro line-up and brought a rather exciting feature to the table... Intel Thunderbolt. Previously known as Light Peak, Thunderbolt is an ultra-fast connection interface that can be easily daisy-chained, and can handle fast data throughput...
  8. Tharic-Nar

    Corsair SP2500 2.1 Gaming Speakers Review

    For gaming an movies, yup, has to be 5.1 or 7.1. For music, good old stereo is more than enough. The problem with the 5.1+ systems is space, orientation and alignment of speakers. If you don't have shelf space behind you, then there is little point buying a 5.1 system. It took days of minute...
  9. Tharic-Nar

    Is the Web Browser the Gaming Platform of the Future?

    The gaming landscape has changed rather drastically in the past ten, or even five years, but what's in store for the future? More now than ever, casual gaming is big business, and so is "accessible" gaming. Many people today own a smartphone where a game is only a button push away, which quite...
  10. Tharic-Nar

    Mozilla Releases Firefox 4 Release Candidate

    It's taken a little while to get here, but Mozilla has finally released an RC (release candidate) version of Firefox 4, which means for all intents and purposes, it's near-finished. Though the company hasn't announced an official release date for the final version, it could be within the month...
  11. Tharic-Nar

    Google Chrome 10.0 Stable Released

    For all of our Chrome visitors out there, of which account for about 25% of our entire site's traffic, a stable version of 10.0 has been released and is well worth updating to. In addition to much improved JavaScript performance, thanks to an updated V8 engine, the settings tab has seen a vast...
  12. Tharic-Nar

    Taiwanese Vendors on Board for ARM + Windows 8?

    This past December, a rumor floated around of Microsoft's plans to bring its Windows 8 operating system to ARM-based processors, and after seeing what certain vendors at last week's CeBIT had to say about things, it does look like there's a good chance it'll happen. You can read the rest...
  13. Tharic-Nar

    ASUS To Launch New Motherboard Box/Case Combo

    There are hundreds of options when searching for a computer case. For those who just can't make up their minds, ASUS has come to the rescue. The solution? A box that holds the actual motherboard but also doubles as the computer case. You can read the rest of our post and discuss here.
  14. Tharic-Nar

    Microsoft Launches Campaign to End Internet Explorer 6 Usage

    It's become a popular fad in recent years to encourage the downfall of Internet Explorer 6, but it's all for good reason. Aside from the fact that it's hardly that powerful in today's day and age, it's also not too compatible with recent Web technologies. As a result, many people who still use...
  15. Tharic-Nar

    Minimize and Maximize Buttons Removed in GNOME 3

    As far as desktop environments go, there are none quite as controversial as GNOME. The reason is that the GNOME developers have often implemented features (or feature reductions) that have been considered important, and to some, the changes make sense, while to others, it might seem that the...
  16. Tharic-Nar

    Could the Thecus N16000 be the Ultimate NAS?

    Need a NAS with a little more oomph? Is money of little concern? If so, Thecus' just-announced N16000 might be worth a perusal, as it aims to be the ultimate in centralized storage with the ability to support up to 48TB worth of storage! As the name suggests, that can be done with 16 hard...
  17. Tharic-Nar

    Super Slow OS Loading, Missing DVD Drive & More!

    Try switching the SATA mode in BIOS, make sure it's in AHCI mode. If it's in this mode, change it to IDE or RAID, since it could be causing a conflict with the OS (common problem with WD drives). Since you are having other issues like with USB and the the DVD drive... it might be better to...
  18. Tharic-Nar

    Valve to Introduce 'Big Picture' Mode in Steam

    Just in time for GDC, Valve has announced that Steam is coming to the big screen... err, rather "bigger screens". That's right, for those who use a television as a display, or simply a very large monitor, Valve is soon to release an updated version of its Steam client that better supports large...
  19. Tharic-Nar

    Apple Bumps NVIDIA for AMD on Refreshed MacBook Pros

    With Apple's refreshed MacBook Pro line-up, a lot is brought to the table. At the very least, there are faster processors, Intel's Thunderbolt technology, FaceTime going HD and more. But, there was another introduction that I didn't immediately notice... AMD Radeon graphics. That's right... it...
  20. Tharic-Nar

    RIFT Head-Start Begins Today

    I've never played WoW, talked to people who have, but never bothered to try it out. With Rift, I've got up to Level 17 and I must say this multi class system is very well done. They give you the choice, but you are still better off concentrating on a single class - at least to begin with. Some...