Google Chrome 10.0 Stable Released


Senior Editor
Staff member
For all of our Chrome visitors out there, of which account for about 25% of our entire site's traffic, a stable version of 10.0 has been released and is well worth updating to. In addition to much improved JavaScript performance, thanks to an updated V8 engine, the settings tab has seen a vast overhaul, and a sandboxing feature for Adobe's Flash on Windows has also been added.


You can read the rest of our post and discuss here.


Tech Monkey
Having become an accidental Chrome user late last year, I will add that I have no complaints. And, how else to evaluate software short of various benchmarks? Which for a browser comes down to speed of loading web pages ... which I never trusted given the statistical variance of the speed of the net.

We-ell, there is the rare Chrome crash. Other Windows compliant software, that I live in 24x7, could be the culprit tho or at least the combination of the 2 active simultaneously.

Good to know that you guys have a "like" for it.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Well, I like Chrome, but I don't at all find it stable. I used to, but things just seem to be getting worse. As an example, if I middle-click a bookmark to open up a webpage in a new tab (but keep it in the background), and that page happens to have an automatic login prompt pop-up, the entire browser will crash. The success rate of this for me is about 95%.

For whatever reason, I often have "Shockwave Flash" crash on me as well, but fortunately that doesn't crash the browser itself. I never had Flash crash on me so much until recently though.

It's worth noting that I have literally no extensions running, nor even a custom theme. It's about as default as you can get. I use Sync, that's it.


Tech Monkey
I did not know about the middle click bookmark ...:eek: ... I'll will start using that to see how it works for me.

Shockwave Flash crashes here also. Since I almost always have other software working in the background, I have attributed the crashes to the combination. Perhaps not.

Well, I did say that you guys are just "in like" with it. :) I occasionally use MS Explorer and thinking that I have not had issues with it, but only occasional use. I am step that up a bit.