Optix said:
I do agree with you about the sides of the screens. While they aren't exactly cut off the image is displaced an inch or two from where it should be because of the wide bezel around most screens. There are manufacturers like Samsung who are coming out with slim screens though.
The 10.2 driver should help that a lot. I am guessing that the stock photo you have above was taken a while ago, when the bezel support wasn't so good. As a side note, you've gotta love how excited the girl is when all the guy is doing is driving in a straight line during a
replay. Ahh, marketing.
I admit that the bezels even with the correction in place aren't ideal. Nothing is going to beat no bezel at all. We have a 6-monitor (3x2) setup in our lab and from my limited testing so far, I can honestly say that 3x1 is where it's at. 3x2 is nice in some regards, but when in that configuration, you're essentially moving from having 2 bezels splitting up your gameplay to 7... that's quite the jump. At that point, it almost makes more sense to get a larger computer screen (30") or TV that supports 1080p. You'll have a lower resolution, but you'll be sitting back anyway, so it's not going to be that noticeable one would imagine.
3x1 is fantastic though, I love it. People always say that after a while, you don't even notice the bezels, and it's absolutely true. This is especially true in racing games where you are so intently focusing on just driving. The two side monitors do well to immerse you in the gameplay. As you can see in that stock screenshot again though, just look at the gameplay... your car is on the bottom monitor, and your road is on the top. That is NOT fun, and doesn't do well to immerse you near as much as it should.
I've only done very light testing on our 3x2 setup so far though, but will shift focus to it within the next week and develop some better thoughts about it all.
Envy said:
Also, Is this a Canadian site? Because I've noticed both of you are from Canada. Me too.
The site is technically based in the US, but it's incorporated in Canada. Staff-wise, both Bill (b1lk1) and I live in Canada, while the rest are in the US and UK. Our servers are in Chicago