What exactly is wrong with the March?


What indeed is wrong with March?
Well, starting from last week,Heavy Rain((for the PS3, which I still haven't picked up)) came out. This week Final Fantasy XIII((PS3)) comes out. Then the next week Dragon Age:Awakening((PC)), God of WarIII((PS3)), Resonance of Fate((PS3)), and Metro 2033((PC)) all come out on the same day. Finally, the Nails of the coffin Majesty 2:Kingmaker((PC)), and Just Cause 2((PC)) coming out on the same day. Not to mention the fact that my copy of Bioshock 2 isn't even cold yet.

That's eight games I've been very interested in for the past year or so all coming out in the same three week period. Any free money or time I may have had this month is pretty tied up now because of this. Luckily that second week is a break from my classes so I'll be able to keep at least a symbolence of a social life after everything is said and done.

-I know all this may have made it seem like I'm a little mad about all this...well, I'm not. I'm really looking forward to the next three weeks:D

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, I know this feeling well. For me, it seems like November is the month of the year when titles just come out too fast and don't allow enough time to actually beat each one. Although right now, I admit I'm not really playing anything new. In fact, I've been playing through the old Sega Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog's, Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (PS1) and then my usual MMO on the PC. I know, I'm a bit sick.

I do have so many games installed though, like Supreme Commander 2, Bad Company 2, BioShock 2... and numerous other titles I haven't played for more than five minutes. I need to make time for some of these soon.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Enjoy it Altrus! Tons of free time + any choice of several anticipated games... I expect you to have beaten most of them by April. ;)

I do have so many games installed though, like Supreme Commander 2, Bad Company 2, BioShock 2... and numerous other titles I haven't played for more than five minutes. I need to make time for some of these soon.

Skip SC2... the game uses the good name and tosses onto a game that isn't even half of what Forged Alliance was. Half the maps, less than half the units, only three fractions... Did I mention they got lazy and skipped on making any naval forces for the Aeon completely? The game has maybe 1/8th the units of SupCom FA.

If that was all it might not be too bad, but the game is buggy even after they already released a patch for it. Hell, if you bought the retail box, you were forced to install Steam and download about 3GB of data because the game disc had an incomplete copy of the game. The game looks and feels like a cheap console port, just with bugs included. Tactics are elementary level now, the multiplayer screen offers zero ability to customize or sort rooms (it doesn't work when Steam goes offline, either), and there is a huge issue of games not being removed after they launch. Ghost lobbies outnumber actual working lobbies and have since the patch was released.

I'd love to really rant about that game, they got my $50 and I just got ripped off for a pile of shoddy code work. It's not even the same game anymore.


Enjoy it Altrus! Tons of free time + any choice of several anticipated games... I expect you to have beaten most of them by April. ;)

Oh, I'm working on FFXIII right now, the only problem is found, yesterday, that the RUSE beta was released on steam so thats going to keep me down for a day or two:p

On the opposite end of the spectrum from SC2, Bioshock 2's gameplay has been greatly improved from the first game, and in my opinion is tons more fun than the first, even though no one seems to agree with me....


Basket Chassis
Staff member
What is this free time you speak of?

Have a baby and let me know how much game time you have. By the time he goes to sleep I'm just as tired as he is.

I'm still trying to get through Oblivion so that should tell you something.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Kougar said:
Skip SC2... the game uses the good name and tosses onto a game that isn't even half of what Forged Alliance was. Half the maps, less than half the units, only three fractions... Did I mention they got lazy and skipped on making any naval forces for the Aeon completely? The game has maybe 1/8th the units of SupCom FA.

I admit that I wouldn't even know the difference, since I only played the original SC for benchmarking purposes. That sucks that the game went downhill so far though, I have no idea why companies make such drastic changes that obviously make the game worse than what fans of the series are expecting.

Kougar said:
Hell, if you bought the retail box, you were forced to install Steam and download about 3GB of data because the game disc had an incomplete copy of the game.

So essentially, it's ONLY available on Steam, but they offer it for sale in the store... nice. Really sucks that you feel you got so ripped off man, I know what a fan of the series you are :-/

Altrus said:
Oh, I'm working on FFXIII right now

How is it so far? I have no intentions of picking it up soon (I have other games to focus on first), but I'd love to pick it up in the future. It looks great.


lol I have very little time for games and I only play on PC. I could only imagine if I played with consoles as well.

Even installing games takes FOREVER! lol, they should start selling these in USB sticks.


Senior Editor
Staff member
Price vs Density of flash is still not low enough. There is also time to consider, it takes mere seconds to create a CD/DVD/BD (they're not burned like we the consumer do, they inject polycarbonate resin into molds and then spray a reflective layer onto them, the data is already on the mold, so in effect, the disc is pressed into service like vinyl with a couple extra steps) , it takes minutes (hours on a larger device) to write a flash stick. So 50 or 60 discs can be made in the same time as 1 USB stick, not good economics for millions of units. Even with USB duplicators, they still take a long time compared to discs.

As for games, i don't know, i'm a PC fan, but there is less and less that takes my fancy, still have a PS3... FFXIII is pretty much it for me... Not sure about Heavy Rain, mixed feelings bout picking that up. I just want Mass Effect 3, but i'll need to be patient for that...

Jen McPherson

Resident Artist Nerd
LoL, I have Sonic the Hedge Hog 1 on my iPod touch, been playing it off and on. Nothing like classic games.

And I know, that's a lot of title releases for this month. Sadly I'll probably not play any of them now or in the near future. I'm kinda jaded with games right now. Though I will admit I am anxiously awaiting Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for the 360. Yes... now that's a game I'll buy soon as it is out. It is looking so good, the trailer seriously made me squeal. If you haven't seen the trailer, go watch it. Like now. Now. Right now.
I cannot contain my glee... watching it gives me tingles. It shall be mine!

MMORPG's are pretty much dead for me, I haven't found anything that will satisfy my picky tastes. I keep trying betas, but nothing impresses me.

Rob Williams

Staff member
LoL, I have Sonic the Hedge Hog 1 on my iPod touch, been playing it off and on. Nothing like classic games.

Haha, how does it play on a handheld like that?

To celebrate Sonic 4 coming up, I ran out and bought "Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection" for the PS3, which has all of the Sonic games that came out for that console, along with a barrage of other great titles. Sweet value for $30, that's for sure.


Well....20+ hours into FFXIII, I think, and got to say, Wow! Started out kinda annoying but I can't put it down now....


Techgage Staff
Staff member
I admit that I wouldn't even know the difference, since I only played the original SC for benchmarking purposes. That sucks that the game went downhill so far though, I have no idea why companies make such drastic changes that obviously make the game worse than what fans of the series are expecting.

Yeah, just about everyone I played Forged Alliance with has played it a few times and quit already.

On the flip side, the game has been made so simple that the strategies for gameplay have been reduced significantly... all you have to do is know the research trees and choose whether you want to A) Mass spam gunships, B)Upgrade your ACU while rushing with him, or C)Researching nukes first. Now that I'm back up and running I've played a few more games, suffice to say option B seems to guarantee you a win almost every time for medium to smaller maps. Option A works on large maps. There is no complexity at all to this game anymore. I'll quit going off topic now. :eek:


lol I have very little time for games and I only play on PC. I could only imagine if I played with consoles as well.

Even installing games takes FOREVER! lol, they should start selling these in USB sticks.

Have you heard of OnLive or Gaiki? I always asked my dad when I was about 12 why they didn't just stream games like they do videos on youtube and now they are starting to. The only disadvantages is the subscription fee (OnLive will cost $15 a month but Gaikai is free), the fact you need at least 100mbps internet, and for OnLive you need to pay additional money to rent and pay for games. It is still a good idea though and I'm sure some people will go for it.

I know what your talking about! If I don't win the gaming computer (Which I highly doubt I will win) I'm going to be saving up money for a new rig seeing as my old one broke. So when I do get a good rig I won't have the money to pay for all these really great games coming out. I've been really interested in Metro 2033 and Bad Company 2. I'm a huge fan of the stalker series (which some of the devs of Metro 2033 helped on) and the Battlefield series. But Just Cause 2 just looks plain epic. Not to mention all the older games that I'll need to get. I have a long road of saving up ahead of me. :( But in the end it will be worth it I guess.
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