Top 10 Free Linux Games

Rob Williams

Staff member
If you think that there are no great games for Linux, think again! We are taking a look at 10 of some of the most popular Linux games... that just so happen to be completely free!

You can read the full article here, and discuss it here!



I have been playing this game for almost a month and it is simply great!

Tremulous is a 3D first person shooting game akin to quake / half-life.
It runs on Linux / Mac / Windows.

Try it!


Great Reviews

Hey , Great REviews of all the Games.
I completely agree that most people will first ask if you can game on Linux before getting their minds set for a conversion.

However, for Amaerica Army I could not find the download link. Did I miss it anywhere?

I run a small outfit : The OpenSourceDeal ( in India.
Im planning to compile a CD/DVD of the best Linux Games. Any more additons to it ?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Since AA is no longer being developed for Linux, you will have to search for the files. I found this site in a quick Google search :

You may want to check your distros software repository to see if it's there. Gentoo had it available in Portage... not sure about other distros though.

"Anymore additions to it?"

You may want to check out this thread:

Arys chose a good one too... at first I believed Tremulous required Quake to play.. but apparently not.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Not on the list !

There's only 10 spots... and Nethack wasn't mentioned enough with the ~100 people polled. I should have made this a top 20 list :)


FlightGear is getting pretty good

FlightGear is getting pretty good -- Where else can one fly Medivac?


What about ...?

I know you probably get this a lot, but TASpring wasn't mentioned, and that is a really high quality game.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
This is a good list but not a complete list. Obviously there will be games that people think should be on list that aren't and vice versa. It's going to happen with a list of 10 just as it would with a list of 25 or 50. There is always going to be that game that was excluded. If we missed any game, we are sorry. It doesn't take away from the enjoyment you have had with that game, it only means that it's not on our top 10.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Since there is so much demand for games that were not listed, I may work on a new article in the future, scaled down in size, but with a bigger list.

Honestly, people have mentioned around 50 other games that didn't make the list... because obviously we only had 10 to deal with.

To those who didn't see their game listed... don't worry. My favorites were not there either :D


Unreal Tournament

I can't believe unreal tournament 2004 was not on the list. It is probably one of the best games on earth, Windows or Linux. It has its own installer which makes the windows intaller look like a cheap and nasty effort. It plays perfectly with excellent graphics and sound. Soon there will be Unreal Tournament 2007 which is supposed to be even better. You will even be able to create your own custom maps in this version. Check it out.


Unreal Tournament

Hmmm I see your point.
I should have read the original a bit more. I was just so pleased that I could play such a game on Linux.

But there again why not open this to paid for games? or even add another section. Many people dont use Linux because they cant play their favourite games and this is an example that disproves that whole point. Im sure there are more too (although I dont play any others).

Rob Williams

Staff member
"I was just so pleased that I could play such a game on Linux."

I hear you, I love UT2004 also. It's one of the few games I keep installed. The commercial games is a great idea really, I will consider that for a future article.

"Many people dont use Linux because they cant play their favourite games and this is an example that disproves that whole point."

Out of our 300+ articles, this one has blown every other one out of the water. It really goes to show that there is clear demand for games in Linux. If only the developers paid more attention.

"Freeciv should be No.1 on the list."

Great game, I agree ;-)



Freeciv is a very actively-developed game and it's based on one of the most popular Windows games.


Stupid requirement

Requiring a game to be 100% free is so dumb.

Just because the OS is free does not mean that every friggin piece of software that runs on it should be free.

I really think games like Unreal Tournament, Quake and so on are better games than Majong. But hey, since Majong is free we'll say it rocks. LOL

With this attitude I don't see any more quality games beeing ported to linux.

Dumbass zealots!


So you mention neverball but forget it's close cousin, neverputt?

Neverball is great, and I don't argue it's inclusion in the list, but of the 2 I have actually found myself playing neverputt more. Both use the same engine and physics, but obviously the gameplay is different.

As for the rest of the list, well done!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Requiring a game to be 100% free is so dumb.

Just because the OS is free does not mean that every friggin piece of software that runs on it should be free.

I really think games like Unreal Tournament, Quake and so on are better games than Majong. But hey, since Majong is free we'll say it rocks. LOL

With this attitude I don't see any more quality games beeing ported to linux.

Dumbass zealots!

Apparently you didn't see the word Free in the title of the article. We all know that Quake and Unreal are going to be better than anything on this list because they had budgets and many people working on them. Had the title been "Thetop 10 games for linux," I can understand your frustration but seeing how the word FREE is in the title... well, I do understand how you could have gotten confused.