NewEgg delivers AGAIN! Received in my Opty 150 today, CABGE

0532MPMW stepping. These aren't the best overclockers but I've seen a couple get to 3Ghz. Looking around I found that a lot of people are using the XP-90 as their heatsink for overclocking, we'll have to see how the Zalman turns out. I'm two pieces away from complete rig.
Which brings me to another thing.. I'm going to have to replace the windshield in my car shortly..

We've had some freezing temps lately and Wednesday driving to work I saw part of my windshield cracking. The laws here in Florida won't let me drive around with a cracked windsheild so I'm going to HAVE to replace it. Looks as though I'm going to have to put off buying the rest until another two weeks.
I screwed up the prices on the GTX, it's a hundred more than the GT. $450, instead of $290. I got to looking and totally forgot how much the GT was. Still, depending on what happens in the near future, I may get it instead. I'd kill for a regular pci video card right now just to see this rig run.