2Tired2Tango said:
I sent the owner on an errand across town to get me some contact cleaner, without any hint that I'd spotted anything. When he got back there were 3 police officers waiting to talk to him....
Good on you man, seriously. It brings me joy to just picture how that played out. Hopefully he got what he deserved. 40GB sure isn't an accident... that's an unbelievable amount. Stories
like this just turn my stomach. It's hard to believe that there's demand out there for five-year-old girls. It's truly disgusting. That little girl is so adorable, and her mom the worst kind of evil. I'm not a man who cries about anything, but stories like this sure bring me close.
Sorry, I kind of hi-jacked the thread also.
2Tired2Tango said:
It's surprising how much crap gets into little corners and especially the power supply...
I agree... the PSU is by far the worst in my own machine as well. The problem is that the dirt gets wedged in there good, so even compressed air won't help (at least in my "case"). The only option I have is to tear the PSU apart and clean it hands-on.