Thieves Make Off with 6,000 Copies of CoD: MW3 After Armed Robbery

Rob Williams

Staff member
I posted earlier about the art of breaking into a prison from the outside, so it seems appropriate to shift the topic to hijacking and robbery. This story has to do with a game, but surprisingly has nothing to do with the gameplay. Rather, this real-life crime saw two thugs equipped with knives crash into a delivery truck, tear gas the driver (or drivers), and then make off with half a million dollars worth of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 games.


Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


Techgage Staff
Staff member
I'll give them one thing... smarter than robbing a bank. Not only did they get more money out of this, they might've not even been caught on cameras, at least possibly. Fewer witnesses too. Given the sheer number of ways to sell things these days, if they are smart they can probably offload a good chunk of those games safely. I don't think Activision has the ability to identify which keys belong to those games to disable them, either.

+1 for online distribution I guess? ;)