Ok, so I wanted to see what my space was looking like inside the case *before* I put the top on this thing. Grab the front rad Tech, and let's see how that works!
Looking good! That will let me estimate the placement that I need to have for the hard drives. I still have to attach the fans, and that will give me my final placement for the hard drives. But this plus a tape measure give me some good estimates. So, I need to create a prototype plate to hold 3 hard drives side by side...
So... you start with a scrap sheet of metal (in this case, aluminum)
Cut it to size and shape and try to create a template that will let you accurately drill holes... (hint: this one was not accurate)
But it was accurate enough to do a proof of concept:
Only got one row of screw holes lined up.... DOH!
Sooooo, this time I have a brighter idea than the first time, put tape over the bottom of the drives, and poke the holes in the tape to represent where the screws need to feed into the hard drives.
Then lay the tape on the next piece of scrap metal:
Bolt the drives on to make sure the holes work as expected and properly line up:
Prepare to shape down the metal. Bet you are wondering how I am shaping this stuff out? It is a drill mounted nibbler, and here is how I mount it to the bench!
Here I am eyeballing the basic shape I am wanting to cut:
Then I lay the pathway with drops of oil (for the nibbler)
After a couple of passes and a hole ton of these little aluminium splinters later:
you end up with something like this:
that you promptly take over to the belt sander to flatten out the edges of:
Which leaves you with *all* this tiny particulate aluminum dust! Here is an interesting point of trivia.... if you sneeze on this stuff, it is heaver than normal dust and (if you are wearing shorts and socks) will quickly drift down to your legs and ankels... making you ITCH LIKE CRAZY!!!! ARRRGH!!!!

Just thought you should know....
Ok, looking better, but now I realize that my holes are angled in comparison to my straight edge sides... DOH!
Back over to the itchy dust maker for a couple more passes and you end up here! Still needs a little more tweaking...
More as I have it....