Techgage Benchmark Scoring Thread

Rob Williams

Staff member
Sorry for missing these new additions guys, I'll check them later tonight.

I've added 3DMark Vantage to the table, so feel free to begin submitting those scores!


The Tech Wizard
3DMARK Advantage score is really bad on first run

P4359 :mad:

Best score so far with everyone is P21903

I'll have to check on the q9450 machine next

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:

Krazy K

Partition Master
I'm jealous of all the lightsmark scores in the 300-400 fps range. Is there that much of a different between the 8600 and the 8800? Most of you have SLI it seems and I don't think that I care enough about the graphics to invest that much more into getting my score higher. I see that the evga 8800GT is about 130 after rebate, will I notice a substantial increase in frames or will it be marginal?


Tech Monkey
SLI doesn't do diddly squat for this benchmark. A single 8800 GT will get you there. You will get a substantial increase over an 8600.


The Tech Wizard
I'm jealous of all the lightsmark scores in the 300-400 fps range. Is there that much of a different between the 8600 and the 8800? Most of you have SLI it seems and I don't think that I care enough about the graphics to invest that much more into getting my score higher. I see that the evga 8800GT is about 130 after rebate, will I notice a substantial increase in frames or will it be marginal?
Not on that benchmark, I took one card out and got a better score :eek:

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:


The Tech Wizard
3DMARK Vantage

3DMARK vantage scores are
Compared to the list at ORB, it looks like I have an PIII system
I was already thinking of getting the Ageia card for the PCIe slot....damn, was it just PCI or PCIe.....have to go check again

But it seems like the test uses Physics in the tests.

What kind of scores are others getting? Anyone here getting low scores?

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:


Techgage Staff
Staff member
That's the point of releasing new benchmarks, they have to reset the scores to lower levels for next generations of hardware. ;) My scores were definitely low for a 8800GTS @ 650/1500/1900 clocks, having only 320mb of RAM definitely hurt them.

The test uses CPU based physics, so unless it was also designed explicitly to detect a PPU and run on it you wouldn't see any boost from adding a physics card. Getting an Agiea physics card just to raise your 3DMark score is a bit wonky, you'd get better results putting that $80 into almost anything else. :)


The Tech Wizard
New 3DMARK Vantage score

Overclocked the 8800GT a tad
Core clock to 703
Shader to 1752

CPU OC'd to
FSB 411

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:
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The Tech Wizard
3DMARK Vantage

Strange video problem when using the performance test.
In Jane Nash ( first test ) the water in the cave rises and then fills the a point you can see what is under the water.
And Jane always checks me out when she is on the cat walk, just before the jump to the crate....She likes me I guess :rolleyes:

Anyone else seeing the same thing?

:techgage::techgage: Merlin :techgage::techgage:


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Strange video problem when using the performance test.
In Jane Nash ( first test ) the water in the cave rises and then fills the a point you can see what is under the water.
And Jane always checks me out when she is on the cat walk, just before the jump to the crate....She likes me I guess :rolleyes:

Oh, well that explains it! You were dreaming... :eek:

Rob Williams

Staff member
Anything here would be default. Sadly, as soon as we created this thread, it got abandoned fast. I think we need a lot more forum support before something like this can be kept up. It's hard when there is only a few people participating.

Krazy K

Partition Master
Well other than having nVidia driver issues which prohibit me from doing anything video related, I did post a memory bandwidth benchmark and nothing happened.