Project: Deuce

Rob Williams

Staff member
Man... I am in awe of your setup. I would have no clue how to use any of it, but it looks great regardless! Seriously, great stuff. I also love those waterblocks... will they appear to glow like that once installed as well? Did it cost an arm and a leg to get that altered, or did they give you a discount ;-)

Keep it up man. I can't wait to see this one progress. The wait is worth it.


Tech Monkey
Man... I am in awe of your setup. I would have no clue how to use any of it, but it looks great regardless! Seriously, great stuff. I also love those waterblocks... will they appear to glow like that once installed as well? Did it cost an arm and a leg to get that altered, or did they give you a discount ;-)

Keep it up man. I can't wait to see this one progress. The wait is worth it.

heheheeh, I'm still learning what a lot of it does! ;)
They will glow like that once installed, as I will have UV light sources energizing them! ;)

They cost me a little bit, but nothing major. Almost cost me a lot more, until I did a little reminding to them that I had previous experience with DD and some custom purchases from them in the past, so I knew how they worked.

Top people over there at DD to work with, as well as Arctic Mod for letting me do this little tweak! ;)

I'm headed out to do some sanding on the primer on the 2 case sides. It's too humid to paint. :(


Tech Monkey
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This might kinda sum up my last few weeks...

between weather screwing up my painting environment, and some unexpected delays....

well... I'm trucking again this weekend, trying to make as much headway as I can!

This is my first video so go easy on me... :D


Tech Monkey
Well... moving from the video, I'll post up pics of the forward movement, as well as a little bitch-fest I am going to go off on for a bit...

Panels are progressing nicely! Not the clossy mirror smooth finish I want, but that will be after I clear it a few times... WOO HOO!!




the ripples will go away after I clear and sand it.

Now... I Have been trying for the last 2 MONTHS to get my frame parts to a specialized painter in the Dallas area. I am not going to even do them justice by posting up their lame ass site, or their lame ass business name. Just suffice it to say that if you are in the Dallas area, and you start talking to Phil from the Colony, hang up and walk away. You will save yourself a buttload of misery. This job is not hard. Ive already done a ton of work to make it easy. But, I guess there just was not enough $$$ at the end of this rainbow. Bunghole stopped returning my calls. Kept trying to reach him to setup a meeting where he would just *look* at my frame pieces.... never even got that far. emails unanswered, phone calls unanswered.... very unprofessional. Phil, I hope I catch your paint equipment on liquidation, because there is *NO* way you can run a business and stay in business operating like that. VERY un-professional. I could have sent a ton of advertisement your way. Possible new avenues of income... but you had to screw it up, and throw off my build. Fine.....

So, I started looking for other options, but everywhere I went, the costs were more than I was wanting to bear, and the finish was "a special order" or something like that. Essentially, I came to the realization that "it's up to me"... so, I took a few days off earlier this week (Mon/Tues) and drove to talk to a my last few possibilities. That drive it home for me, and I went to work on the frame on Tuesday afternoon/night. Popped the remaining rivets, and decided on how I wanted to do my frame.

I shot a test piece just to see how the colors would lay after multiple color coats and a couple of clear coats.

Please pay no mind to the specs of dust on the top, this was a POC piece to see how the colors would work... I liked... it is a metalflake/sparkle base, with a tranparent top color coat. Duplicolor Metalcast. I shot this stuff on blingGreen, but the frame was not disassmbled, and it was one coat of green. I've learned a bit since then, so I'm trying to make this one a bit more durable and glossy...




That lat pic kinda captures the sparkle below the paint... looks mighty fine... :mrgreen:

So I finish popping the rivets out of my frame:



String them up like they are in a meat market... hehehe... "Now serving number 2!" LOL!

Hit them with self etching primer:


Then the Metalcast flake basecoat:


You can see a bit of the shimmer of hte silver in that last shot...

And started mowing through the frame pieces with my cans of blue Duplicolor Metalcast (love this stuff!):





I ran out of paint... but I can buy more, and recoat in a few days after this has cured. After I get a few more color coats on these parts, they will get clear coats. Prolly 3-4 coats. I really like how the little drive cage came out, and hopefully I can produce a whole case like that. I am also contemplating putting some designs on the frame to make the paint job a bit more than just a color job. ;) Stay tuned on that.

Also, I worked out a problem that was with my beautiful NV78's. The water block acrylics were accidentally cut to duplicate. When you are running a SLI setup, and passing the water between the two cards, you need to have alternating inlets to accomidate the pass-between barbs. I worked with Danger Den (class act that company, they made a fan out of me!) to get another acrylic top cut out. It is now installed, and leak tested. All good.

That said, I have a space NV78 UV blue acrylic top if anyone has an NV78 water block and are looking for a way to spruce it up! ;)

More as I craft. Sorry for the pause in updates. I had hoped to come in with a screaming "bang" if I could have had the frame painted how I wanted... but now... well, it's time for plan B, no... Plan C... nope.... D! Yep! Plan D!

Chin up! Let the jouney begin, cuz it is about to get hectic!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, cool video man. That sucks about the paint though... I don't think I'd keep patience long after that, heh. Glad to know the project is progressing well though, can't wait to see more. That blue paint kicks ass!


Tech Monkey
Ordered my acrylics that I will be using on Deuce... should be cool! ;) It will definitely be different
Having a hard time visualizing my tubing, and hopefully the humidity will relent enough later this week for me to finish painting my frame and get it back together!

I found a Chameleon light set while cleaning up the garage.... looking for a way to integrate it... we'll see...


Tech Monkey
Any of you seen the movie, "Twister"? Yeah, this next set of pics reminded me of the Aunt's house that had all of the metal sculpture in her yard... hehehehe

We had some beautiful weather and I used that time to put the Metalcast parts outside to cure. Yummy...


You can make out the metal flake effect in these shots. No, that is not dust! ;)



After they cured, I took them down, into the garage, and used a hydraulic rivet gun. If you have a good compressor, and you pull things apart all the time... find one of these tools. It will save you immense headaches from when you scratch your paint using a manual squeeze rivet gun... never again. This was SO, SO much easier...


The frame is now assembled and looking good!

This will be one of my secrets. Here is my acrylic for the mod. I'm thinking that the way I am going to mount the upper rad is going to be very unique, assuming that I get it right. :)

But, I dont wanna say too much and jinx it, but I will say that the acrylic is going to be BEAUTIFUL if I get this right...

More as I go. Updates are really going to start flowing over the next few days...

Rob Williams

Staff member
Man... I am loving the color of that chassis the more I look at it. Did you happen to notice the looks on people's faces as they past your house seeing all that hanging out? ;-)


Tech Monkey
You guys rock... :)

Rob... I did have a few odd/nervous glances from my neighbor... but he recognized what I was doing after a bit. ;)

He knows I'm a computer nut... I fixed their home PC a few weeks back and he's all sorts of happy now.


Tech Monkey
So... lots of work done today...

Did a lot of cleaning up on my top cut. It was while I was working on that piece, that the realization hit me... I'm still missing my power button frame!!! A bit of quick engineering, and the blessings from my dearly departed father in law, and the inspiration hit me... I was given a lot of his tools from his shop, (to which I am forever grateful, Herman. May my work be inspired by your spirit, I miss you bud.) and I remembered that the power switch in question had a 3/4" hole requirement. Herman had given me several chassis punches, and I looked through them, and lo and behold... I had a 3/4" one! So, figured out where I wanted the switch to reside, popped it with a center punch a few times, and drilled the center hole. Then, placing the punch pieces on the hole, I wrenched them through. How on EARTH did I do this before... wow!





The results speak for themselves. no edges to file either!

Start priming it and getting it ready for color:


First of several color coats:

I also painted the inside of the bottom panel of hte computer. I have been debating back and forth these last few weeks on how I was going to paint it. I then decided that it would make a nice contrast to the blue frame, I'm hoping I am right. ;)

This is a flexible color lighting system that I will be integrating adjustable pots to control the flow to Reg, Green, and Blue. There are 4 LED cannons, and each cannon has the RGB leds inside them. A twist of the dials will allow me to create any color ambient light I want out of the guns! I have my primary lighting color scheme already worked out, but these, I think, will ad some nice accenting




The front bay adapter had to be changed to black to fit the color scheme of the computer"

This is just me being happy. The side panel... has not been clear coated, and has not been buffed with polishing compound. No wax... polish... nothing. It just looks that good... :)

Now, tonight, I used my striping tape and my auto mask, and created a paint mask for me to paint my panels with. Remember, they will be black on top, green flame stripe separating, and blue in the base. I plan on burying some graphics in the flame job, as well as in the blue... so be on the lookout! ;)

More tomorrow!


Tech Monkey
Work today was on the bottom "blue" section of the panels...

Metalcast base coat i nthe appropriate sections.


I then started applying a background pattern of what I hoped would be a random background pattern of flames...


Over the tope of it with Metalcast blue


After 4 coats, starting to come together

I had layered the designs, starting with a pearl blue flame, then a white flame, then a set of black flames. The blue I wanted to come out as a set of Ghost flames, as the Metalcast blue would disguise the base blue flames... or at least I had hoped.

As it turns out, it came out better than I planned, as the blue flames appear/disappear depending on where you are in relation to the panel... it is a really sweet effect.


I just might have to steal from this thread. Love it. Of course that is the most sincere form of flattery. :)


Tech Monkey
*happy dance*

Thanks guys. I was explaining on another forum, that I am too close to this work, and I see what I don't like... I learned a lot on this design...

the upcoming green stripe may be yet another exercise for me trying something new and different... we'll see. Each time I pick up my air brush, I get a little more confident.
