Orcs Must Die! Review

Rob Williams

Staff member
There seems to be a major emphasis on killing an innumerable number of zombies in gaming today, but it's important that we don't ignore another threat: orcs. In Orcs Must Die!, you're provided with the right tools to kill hundreds, if not thousands, of these grunting annoyances. Go ahead, paint the town green.

Read through Mario's (marfig) first-ever review at Techgage, of Orcs Must Die!, and then discuss it here!


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I'm glad I review cases and such. Here it is, here's what it can do, here's how it did. I don't have to be this observant. :p

A very nice first review indeed. If I needed something to fill the BF3 void I'd likely grab this game.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Great review, Mario!

I hate to admit that I've owned this game for a week and haven't loaded it up. I need to soon so that I can at least relay my own opinions on the game as well. From this review though, I have a feeling I'm going to agree with most everything that's been said - especially on the humor aspect. With a title like Orcs Must Die!, humor is kind of implied as being a big part of the game.

The lack of multiplayer is rather mind-blowing, but the company seems committed to releasing DLC, so hopefully we'll get a co-op option at some point.


No ROM battery
Thank you both :)

There's already one DLC announced that is planned to go on sale tomorrow (October, 25th) on Steam. It's however a content-oriented DLC. The announced price is $2.49 and it will include:

* Floor Scorcher: A floor fire trap
* Alchemist’s Satchel: A weapon: Acid Bombs.
* Shock Zapper: A ceiling electrical trap
* Vampire Gauntlets: A weapon: Drain Mana and health from enemies

Both traps can be upgraded as normal.

This is one of the two DLCs planned. With this one, there's still a few empty slots on the trap/weapon screen, so I expect the second DLC to fill these too. Maybe co-op will come on a sequel :)


No ROM battery
Update to the Review

The October 25, 2011 patch introduces custom keybinding to the user.cfg file, so players can finally change their control settings. This was my one and only real contention with the game, so it is only fair it gets mentioned Robot Entertainment fixed it for us...

To change your keybinds, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to \Games\Steam\steamapps\common\orcs must die!\data\startup\ (or the similar path where your steam games are located).
  • If it doesn't exist yet, create a text file called user.cfg.
  • Edit this file taking into consideration the rules that follow.

// Sample Key Bindings
// Uncomment and remap to your liking.
// Only the commands listed below support key remappings.


List of keys that can be remapped (code to use, followed by equivalent key)
a - z     letters
0 - 9     numerals
,         comma
.         period
-         minus
~         tilde
ins       INS
del       DEL
home      HOME
end       END
pgup      PGUP
pgdn      PGDN
up        up arrow
down      down arrow
left      left arrow
right     right arrow
space     space bar
lshift    left shift (single key mapping only - not to be used as a modifier)
rshift    right shift (single key mapping only - not to be used as a modifier)
kp_slash  Keypad /
kp_mul    Keypad *
kp_minus  Keypad -
kp_plus   Keypad plus
kp_enter  Keypad enter
kp_period Keypad period
kp_0      Keypad 0
kp_1      Keypad 1
kp_2      Keypad 2
kp_3      Keypad 3
kp_4      Keypad 4
kp_5      Keypad 5
kp_6      Keypad 6
kp_7      Keypad 7
kp_8      Keypad 8
kp_9      Keypad 9

For more information on this patch, go here.
Last edited:


Tech Monkey
That's a great review Mario! I have to say if you want to kill more Orc's we should play some Space Marine Coop (c;


No ROM battery
Been hearing great things about that game, indeed.

Warhammer was my favorite game back when it used to be just a tabletop wargame with figurines and a metric tape. Well, that's not entirely true. It was my second best (its fantasy battle version was my first. Warhammer 40,000 came a close second). As such it feels weird that I actually never played any of the video games so far.


No ROM battery
Well, Wow!

Orcs Must Die is on sale on Steam for $3 USD (and 2.74€) as part of the Autumn Sale offer that runs for the whole day.

$3 for Orcs Must Die? This game is hugely fun. Go for it if you can. And I must tell you, shame on you if you take this steal!