NFS: Underground 2

Rob Williams

Staff member
Never do I get addicted to a game.. well hardly ever. Ok, every few months I will get addicted to a game, and this is one of those.

Anybody else out there playing this? I just got my Forth sponser, and the games getting HARD. It states I am only 40% done the game as well.. so I can just imagine how hard it's going to get.

If I can put it down, maybe I can actually be productive!

Here's my car so far. It's not the best, but I keep adding to it. Gotta.. get.. away.. from.. game..

Will Nave

Two words: Donkey Konga...

One of the stupidest most addicting games ever. Sad to say I've almost mastered Gorilla mode. Once you play the game you'll be trying to bongo in the car whenever one of the songs come over the radio.

Addicting and annoying... :?


Yeah, NFS:u2 is very addictive.

I got home one day though, and my wife was playing it. She had a skyline, with the turbo 2 or 3 and performance 3 kit on it, all sponsors, decked out with top equip. I was like WTH? She put the cheats in, and overwrote my car. :( I didn't wanna start over just yet.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yeah, WoW is rather an easy game.

Never actually played a Soccer game before.. what system is that for?


Partition Master
I hate NFSU2. Just because I hate EA. And talk about adds in a video game, that game is a HUGE commercial.

Just gripin cause I'm more of a Gran Turismo fan.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yeah, GT4 is amazing. Haven't a chance to play it in depth, but what I have played is just incredible.


Partition Master
I didn't buy the game yet, but I did check it out (one of the very VERY few perks in working in the gaming industry... cough... retail...) So far after watching the introduction and getting my first license... I had to kick myself in the head just to realize what I was playing. But of course I only played a total of like 15 minutes or so.

ANother game I like but hate to admit is Burnout 3. I like it because you could just pick it up and crash into something. The reason why I hate to admit it is... it's by EA...

Man I hate EA...


Just as addicting to Underground. Both great great games.

One kool trick is get right up to wall and use your shocks and it will shoot you straight up into the sky and through a roof if there is one above you.


NFS2 is a very cool game loving the graphics.
i have to agree that the game is a HUGE commercial all i see is burger king this Cell phone companyu Cingular i dont like the adds at all.... they could be worse
tho. Gran turmiso 4 never played it yet , Wish it was for PC. i have owned GT1,2,and 3 but sold my PS2 shorty after i beat 3.

Anyone have any graphic intence Car games i could look up for my pc like any new ones just give me a hola . Greatly appericated