MVM Temp Files?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Hi all:

I've had an issue for a good while under Windows where each one of my installed hard drives have a ton of mvm_tmp files on them, in the root folder, and I have no idea how they got there. I don't have any application installed that looks similar ot MVM, and I've Google searched up and down and have found NOTHING. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know!


  • mvm_tmp_files.png
    110.4 KB · Views: 1,677

Rob Williams

Staff member
I have no idea how you found that, but thanks a ton! It is indeed Photoshop that's causing the problem. I didn't realize that with PS closed, I could delete those files fine... I've always tried to delete them when I've had PS open I guess, so I've never had much luck.

Would be nice if the temp folders went elsewhere of course, but at least I know what's causing it.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Some people said that they should delete automatically when Photoshop is closed and the jury is still out on even why they are created in the first place.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yes, those files DO delete as soon as Photoshop is closed, which leads me to think that the developer in one of those threads has no idea what he's talking about. He said that he couldn't find a single reason that MVM files could be created, and that it must be due to a plugin... not so. All I have to do is load up an image and resize or crop it, and those files are created.

It's a little annoying, but at least I now know that they go away after PS is closed. Thanks again for finding that out... I searched up and down and couldn't get a decent result to pop up.