Awesome system! The ASUS Maximus IV has the new Marvel controller in it supposedly, even. And the Corsair AX series is the best PSU brand to buy right now, gold efficiency and one of the best ratings JonnyGuru has given yet.
Have fun building it!
Man it
was fun but also really tiring! I commend u guys for doing this almost every week!

Forgot to install the IO Shield at the back and had to remove the motherboard again! Phew!
and yes it has the Marvel controller!
Did not boot at the first couple of times but then i removed the rams and just put in one! It booted and i gave a sigh of relief! Worked fine after that!
Is it ok if i install and use both MSI Afterburner and AMD Catalyst Control Center at the same time!??
I loaded up Shogun 2 with DX11 and maxed out
everything! But the game really lagged! So i remembered that u dont really need AA at 1080p so i switched AA off(the rest remained maxed out) and its running smoothly now!
GPU temps are at idle: 43C - 45C and at load(while playing shogun 2) it maxed at 75C! According to the MSI Afterburner.
Cant wait to try out BF3!!