There are quite a few games out there you could look at, that are free to play. But it also depends on what style of game you are looking for. Cutesy or realistic? PvP,PvE, or both?
Shaiya,, is a F2P game and is set up nice, and is currently the game I'm playing while I wait for WAR and Aion. It has quite a few features that have dubbed it one of the better F2P models, at least in my opinion.
There's also Rohan, , which will be going into open beta soon, that I believe will also be a F2P model. I played in the CB and it was pretty good.
They both have good graphics and use WASD key controls (point and click too if you prefer), and have decent leveling. The only thing they lack is overall customization for your character, but most F2P games do.
The only F2P game I've seen that has a lot of character creation options is Perfect World. It is a very nice looking game, but it had a few features I did not like which lead me to part with it. It could be your cup of tea though, one never knows.
I could list a few more, but these are the top three I have played. Good luck finding a game.