Micro-USB? Wow that's tiny... Everything I own uses normal or mini-USB only, but mobile phones especially have adopted the micro-USB ports. Greg is correct, the Performance MX mouse uses a micro-USB connection.
All three USB connection sizes are a universal standard, that's what USB is as they aren't proprietary connectors. If the connector size is a problem then I'd suggest getting a mini -> micro USB plug to snap onto the end of the USB cable as it's the same USB spec, any electronics or major store should stock them.
There are already USB 3.0 versions for all three size standards, should be "fun" when those begin to enter the mainstream. The micro-USB 3 connector is a bit odd looking though.
I know it sounds weird but heat up some water and and put the cord in it. Obviously leave the mouse and the USB connector out of it but it will get the cord to straighten up. I suppose you could use a hair drier too but it might take more time.
Interesting idea! Just to double-check, the cord is wrapped in a nylon mesh weave, is a hair drier even safe for something like that? I don't want to shrink wrap it or anything. I'll definitely try that hot water trick, as the cord STILL has kinks in it from where it was folded over in the box. Thanks Greg!