LimeWire Loses Court Battle to RIAA and Shuts Down

Rob Williams

Staff member
If you were using the Internet about 10 years ago, you understand well what the landscape was like at the time. The hot topic was file sharing, and while consumers were thriving on it, the music industry, among others, were not having any of it at all. In 1999, the trend-setting Napster came out, and though it still exists today, it's in a far more law-abiding format.

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Tech Monkey
I stopped using limewire for the sole reason that half of what was on their was a virus, or when I would try to download a movie I would end up with a porno. They even started attaching porn ads to music files..I just had enough.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
In other news, the spread of viruses across the planet's computers is down 42%.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I have had a few people drop off their systems because they are infested and what do I see on the desktop? A LimeWire icon. I feel like going Ronald on their asses!



Tech Monkey
While an interesting development, Limewire's demise is no more than a drop in the bucket. The music/move/etc industries are fighting a losing battle. Nothing short of criminalizing "illegal" downloading and incarcerating at least half the world's population will put a stop to file sharing. The powers that be have unleashed a technology they can't control. :p


Tech Monkey
Did anyone actually USE limewire in the past year? seriously >.< I have had the newest version almost constantly but never used it.