There's an intense sense or irony to all of this when we remember some of the for-the-good-of-mankind dialog lines we are constantly thrown into when watching the latest and greatest internet-has-changed-the-world-OMG-LOLZ flick, named "The Social Network".
For the good of what?... Nothing like a dose of reality coming down crashing on anyone's head for priorities to suddenly change and those bleeding heart higher values to suddenly shift. Well done Mr. Zuckerberg. Welcome to the land of the living, the lousy breath, and the can-shitting folks. In short, welcome back to being a regular guy, and not some greek god.
For the rest of us, a lesson in loyalty perhaps. That a company, any company, serves only paradise if it comes as a byproduct of their own financial objectives. That playing the fan should be reserved to sports and playing the zealot should be reserved to religion. That it is ok -- really it is. don't be afraid -- to like a product without making a spectacle of ourselves anytime someone either doesn't like it, or likes something else better. Unless we actually have shares, we should quit the fanboy hollering and look at any company (any company!) has a self-serving entity that we can in fact milk something from, but only if we are smart enough to always have it on its toes, instead of letting it lax with all that ass kissing BS, that one should only realistically expect (and hope) from a child awed at how his father looks so cool when driving a bike.
As for G+, same all, same old. We do no evil until we do. Put money into Mozilla, but let's build our own browser to put mozilla out of the picture. Let's invest on social networking because that's where the money is. Don't forget cellphones too and jack off those Java patents. Btw, did you remember to plant all sorts of user traffic monitoring scripts? Good thing we say on our TOS we can change our TOS, everytime we fell like changing our TOS for no reason other than wanting to change our TOS. And by the way, how's it going with the PR? We still holding up as the good samaritans on the web? Still kicking those balls? That's good, that's good... What did you say about our shares? Up? Capital man! You rock.