Intel Set to Launch New CPU Models this Summer, Including Six-Core i7-970

Rob Williams

Staff member
Tired of seeing the same old Intel processors for sale? Tell me about it. By this point in time, the six-core Core i7-980X Extreme Edition is looking a little bit tired, and Intel knows this! So don't worry, because according to latest rumors, this time care of Digitimes, Intel is prepped to launch some fresh models during Q3, and believe it or not, some are speed-bumped Core 2's. You read that right.


Read the rest of our news post here and discuss it here!


Tech Monkey
Looks like I don't want to rush too quickly into the next build .. I am still interested in OC-ing as much as possible tho.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Definitely a bit of a silly price given can buy a retail, sealed 980X for less on ebay... even below $800 if you bide your time and use Bing cashback.

The Core i7 950 for the same price as the 930 is a nice improvement though, although it was long past due.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Hmm...those budget chips look nice.

Bet you didn't think I was going to say that. ;)

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Three cheers for new models and progress but I haven't honestly found anything that pushes my i7 920. I would obviously love to have more cores but with it slightly overclocked to 3.0 GHz, I can see myself using this CPU for another year or two. It does everything that I could possibly ask.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Three cheers for new models and progress but I haven't honestly found anything that pushes my i7 920. I would obviously love to have more cores but with it slightly overclocked to 3.0 GHz, I can see myself using this CPU for another year or two. It does everything that I could possibly ask.

I couldn't agree more on this one. The CPU has eight threads for one thing, so it's almost like an eight-core processor, which means it has a ton of multi-tasking breathing room. When the decision to choose our GPU test machine CPU came to question, I ended up just sticking with the Core i7-975, because today, a six-core CPU is just overkill for a lot of reasons, gaming included (aside from flight sims and the like).

I'm using an i7 in this machine also, and the only time I ever feel like upgrading is when I'm running more than one VM at a time, but that doesn't happen all too often.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Three cheers for new models and progress but I haven't honestly found anything that pushes my i7 920. I would obviously love to have more cores but with it slightly overclocked to 3.0 GHz, I can see myself using this CPU for another year or two. It does everything that I could possibly ask.

For most people, that is the full truth. Those Core i7 Quad/Six-core Processors are as fast as they need to be, and they won't have a real reason to upgrade for many, many years now.

For the first time I'm running the bleeding edge in technology, but I've also maxed it out. Folding@home is only limited by GPU & CPU speeds, and there is no shortage of other distributed computing projects for scientific or humanitarian causes as well. As much satisfaction as I get by from squeezing 100% use out of my system (and for a good cause, no less), I will always have at least one reason to make it faster still. It's a vicious, but fun cycle. :cool: