Intel's been on the ball lately, with the release of the Core2Duo, and now the Quad for populous consumption. Hearing about the 80 core, teraflop chip, these are amazing times we're living in.
Quad core is just another leap in the evolution of computer processing. It provides the user with vast amounts of processing power, and like Rob showed, can cut production times in half, or better. The new 65nm, and later on 45nm, processes are keeping temperatures manageable, and keeping air cooling a viable solution.
These chips are impressive in every aspect, and support is just going to grow. The average user will probably never need something so powerful, but those who multi-task heavy applications (gamers, media producers, graphic designers) are going to love them.
You can show as many graphs and benchmarks as you want, but people aren't going to appreciate the power these chips harness until they're using one. The benefits are amazing. If anyone does a fair amount of video editing, or even CAD, on a regular basis, this is definitely a chip you'll enjoy. That's a great read, Rob. I really enjoyed it. New technology is always an impressive subject.