Got my EVGA 680i A1 *Pics*


Partition Master
I don't see how Babrbarossa can get 6.84GHz on his E6400. Not to sound like a nonbeliever but I would like to see a CPUz certified screenshot as you can say anything in words. I was thinking that he meant 3.42GHz on each core and that he just added both clock speeds together.
LoL, of course, I was being sarcastic. I mean, it HAS to be a mistake. The current World Record for Conroe is like 5.5 GHz, and that's under sub-zero temps. :D


HAHA- oops, I meant 3.84

The t-line is a long story, but in the end, it's eaier to drain.

My r50s were getting pretty warm before I put those ramsinks on- They also stopped the squealing sound from the chipset area.

Thanks for the warning about the pump- I didn't know there was a bad position- I've been planning on bolting it to the inside wall, but haven't gotten around to it.

I've also been planning on removing the T-line to reduce clutter but I don't feel like draining the system for it- and I guess it doesn't hurt anything.
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Partition Master
HAHA- oops, I meant 3.84

The t-line is a long story, but in the end, it's eaier to drain.

My r50s were getting pretty warm before I put those ramsinks on- They also stopped the squealing sound from the chipset area.

Thanks for the warning about the pump- I didn't know there was a bad position- I've been planning on bolting it to the inside wall, but haven't gotten around to it.

I've also been planning on removing the T-line to reduce clutter but I don't feel like draining the system for it- and I guess it doesn't hurt anything.
Yeah, definitely not worth it, just leave t-line alone, it isn't hurting anyone. :p


Speaking of outrageous overclocks, just for a hoot, I thought I'd play around with photoshop- this took me less than five minutes to do- I wonder how many of those awesome overclocks posted out there are done just like this? I think most people are pretty ethical, but the internet's a big anonymous place. People should get into the habit of providing validation IDs when they post CPUz scores.

I've never actually done validation before- in fact I just discovered it today


  • jokeCPUZ.jpg
    301.9 KB · Views: 735


Well I've been trying to use the validation tool on CPUz and it won't work- I keep getting this message when I try to validate "probleme de taille fichier"

Has anyone else successfully tried it? Is there any other good validation tools?

EDIT: OK I got it to work- you have to make sure that the file you save has the .cvf suffix on it when you submit it.
here's the page:

This is at 3.9GHz!!! nothing like a 488 MHz FSB
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Partition Master
LoL, that's some sweet photoshop work. I have no idea how to work photoshop like that. I could try it on paint, though. lol. :D

Yeah, CPU-Z validation links should always be posted.

That's a nice OC. The max I've gotten out of my chip so far is 3.976GHz:

But that was back when I was using an Asus P5B-Dlx mobo. I haven't tried to go that high now with my new mobo, although I'm pretty sure it won't be a problem for this board, especially since I've upgraded my watercooling. ;)

When I have some time, I'll try to hit 4GHz.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Well, if that just doesn't fall into the "freakin' sexy" catagory, I am unsure what will.

Great P180 mod. I loved mine but it was to cramped for me and I didnt want to take the time and effort to do it right.... which is what you did with yours. Well done!