GIGABYTE's X58A-OC: The Hardcore Overclocker's Motherboard

Rob Williams

Staff member
When most people look to purchase a motherboard, there are a couple of considerations that might come to mind. Features, features, and more features. Believe it or not, though, for hardcore overclockers, it might be a lot of these features that prove problematic in overclocking, and it's for that reason that many like to use boards that are scaled down in order to make the most of the components that matter, such as the CPU or GPU.

Read the rest of the post and then discuss it here!


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I saw this about a week ago from a super small thumbnail and I immediately thought, "Alright! DFI is back in!"

Looks crazy!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yup, it does look a bit like a DFI board, haha. I am curious to see how this sells though... it's so niche.


Tech Monkey
Nice evaluation. I need a new additional system & maybe this the way to go. I use some very serious multi-threaded commercial software but certain aspects of it are single threaded ... and both could greatly benefit from the fastest possible clocks. My stuff runs for hours so every ten percent or what ever is music to me.

In other words I OC as much as possible & enjoy hearing about the latest tech that might support that. I will look in to this for the next very soon to build system.