I hate to report it, but, I haven't been touching too many games lately, and if I do make time to game, it's usually spent in Asheron's Call. I want to make more time for others though, since there are <em>many</em> games out there I've wanted to play through, but haven't. I mean, I still haven't beaten Crysis, or Call of Duty 4! I'm <em>way</em> behind on things!
On the console front, I've slowly been making my way through Rachet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, and after that, I'll probably play through the expansion. Also been playing WipEout HD, but I might be at a point where it's just going to take far too much time to progress, so I might be done with that.
There are many other games I wouldn't mind getting into though. Kind of a good situation, to be honest. Too many games to play ;-)
Let me know how Killzone 2 is. I remember drooling over that one big-time when the first-ever trailer was released.