GamersFirst Set to Relaunch APB Reloaded


Senior Editor
Staff member
Once in a while, a game comes along that holds so much promise but ends up falling flat on its face. The most recent game that comes to mind that fell the hardest would have to be Realtime Worlds' 2010 release, APB: All Points Bulletin. The initial buzz about this "GTA IV MMO" was huge and I personally was almost rabid about getting my hands on it. Before the game went live though, it was apparent that it was far from ready and I was not alone in thinking this.


You can read the rest of our post and discuss here.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
It is unfortunate that all the people that spent money on subscriptions and in-game items have completely lost out and won't be able to get anything back from Realtime Worlds whatsoever. GamersFirst won't be re-issuing in game items as they stated they have no way of confirming who had bought what, and to be fair it isn't their responsibility to reimburse the users that were ripped off. It was a good call it make the game free to play.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
They did say that anybody who had an account in the original game will get to carry their character over when the game relaunches so I'm not sure if that will cover special items cosmetic items.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
A guy on my friends list was telling me about it... according to him he received a mass email from GamersFirst stating special items and such wouldn't be brought over, because they simply have no records and so no easy way of tracking who bought what.

I went looking for a FAQ page he also mentioned, but I found this one instead that indicates some content WILL be brought over... if ya bought any of the ingame currency then that money is gone though: