First Impressions of Google's Facebook-killer, Google+

Rob Williams

Staff member
I never thought I'd be writing about Google+, but here goes. You see, I'm not a huge fan of 'social networking', at least what I've experienced so far. It's not that I'm anti-social. In fact, I'm far from that. Upon first joining Facebook, however, I had plans to use it as a way to keep in touch with friends and colleagues that I couldn't generally keep in regular contact with. From a business perspective, there was also some potential there.


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Tech Monkey
I dislike Facebook for the same reasons as you, I guess. I would like to try out Google+ though, just to see what all the hullabaloo's about.


No ROM battery
I do share a similar dislike for social networking. I think (after trying social network so many times) email, web forums, bugtrackers and Usenet will forever remain my means of interaction in the internet, while my blog will forever remain as my more passive attempt at "reaching out".

I just can't seem to adapt to the environment and general ambiance around social networking, so I don't see myself even giving G+ a try. It's not about UI or features. I'm more and more convinced it's simply about giving me something I don't want to do; social networking.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I don't like Facebook for the simple fact that people use it for attention or pity. Sure, there are people who use it for what it's meant for like staying in touch, making updates on a child or what not but for most it's just a way for them to feel special without actually doing anything.

I'll give Google+ a shot and by a shot I mean creating a basic account with no information available to anybody simply to compare the two so I can figure out which one I dislike more. :p


Tech Monkey
haha :D. My gmail account is (edited) if you'd be so kind as to send an invite my way, Rob. I had noticed you weren't on Facebook often, and wondered why. I do like using Facebook to stay in touch with people I otherwise couldn't easily connect with, but yeah the drama is irritating.
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Partition Master
If you like Google +'s U.I, well it was designed by none other than Andy Hertzfield, the ex-Apple genius that designed most of the original Mac Classic U.I., and HyperCard which was very similar to WebOS. I didn't even know he was working at Google until Google + plus came out.


Tech Monkey
I got an invite today for it and TBH I am not the impressed of course I don't much care for Facebook either, it's just there to talk to family who don't know any better. Social networking is fine but it feels like Google is more reactive then proactive anymore and all it is a catch up game at this point.


No ROM battery
I'm wondering whether this is going to be a Facebook killer in the end or another Wave.


If you like Google +'s U.I, well it was designed by none other than Andy Hertzfield, the ex-Apple genius that designed most of the original Mac Classic U.I., and HyperCard which was very similar to WebOS. I didn't even know he was working at Google until Google + plus came out.

The UI didn't work so well for gmail though. At least to me. I tested both "Preview" and "Preview (dense)" there and was far from impressed. Did give it a shot for a couple of hours knowing these things sometimes take time to get used to, but couldn't resist going back to "New Blue".

I can see how it may be beneficial on other places like a Social Networking UI. But for gmail... dunno.


Partition Master
Thanks Rob! My first impression is that there's a lot of potential with Google+ if only because people like fresh starts and at least the illusion of control over their public persona. It'll be interesting to see how quickly they can roll out the service to a wider availability, this will be crucial.


I'd love to give Google+ a shot. Social networking has been fairly positive, compared to the regular ol Internet where the more I find out what's on it, the more I hate it (see: Trolls, idiots, rule 34...)