From our front-page news:
In case you were asleep all yesterday, this is a note to let you know that the highly-anticipated Quake Wars demo has finally been released and you can download it from every website on the internet. Well not really, but Gamers Hell, Internode and FileShack all have it, and I am sure there are many others who do as well.
From what I gather, this is both a single-player and multi-player demo, taking place on the Valley map. For those not ready to make the trip online, you will be pleased to know that bot support is included to give you plenty of time to prepare for making a fool of yourself in front of others.
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The Strogg and GDF experience is quite different. GDF have to attack on this map, and Strogg defend. The GDF must build a bridge, move a mobile base, kill a tower thing, launch a bunker-busting missile, and then assault an installation. Meanwhile the Stroggs must fight a retreat. Although the classes are paralleled on either side, they are not mirror-images of each other, and every single class has a wide range of different equipment.
Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun
From what I gather, this is both a single-player and multi-player demo, taking place on the Valley map. For those not ready to make the trip online, you will be pleased to know that bot support is included to give you plenty of time to prepare for making a fool of yourself in front of others.
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The Strogg and GDF experience is quite different. GDF have to attack on this map, and Strogg defend. The GDF must build a bridge, move a mobile base, kill a tower thing, launch a bunker-busting missile, and then assault an installation. Meanwhile the Stroggs must fight a retreat. Although the classes are paralleled on either side, they are not mirror-images of each other, and every single class has a wide range of different equipment.
Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun