Tech Monkey
Is this a joke, or do you not realize how ridiculous that logic is?
I meant funny how some ppl have no issues, some others have a little and others are totally screwed.
@Kayden, you don't need to feel obliged to answer mate. It's clear that we aren't going to agree on this particular matter. We just have very different expectations. And that's crucial to the way we look at games in general. However, I do humbly wished you dropped the showstopper bug claims. This game simply doesn't have them. Which isn't to say you and some others aren't experiencing it. Just that what you see at Eidos forums and what you yourself is experiencing is a tiny portion of the much broader reality of 2 million copies shipped so far. And I hate to break it to ya, but that's the same for every single game out there, in the past, present and future.
Okay then I wont make such an indepth reply and move on. Just to retort that last comment though. The game may not have been a problem for you doesn't mean they don't exist. I know no game will be perfect when you consider how many different possible hardware configurations there are, and for me I experienced it. I gave a solution on how to fix it and honestly any game that restarts my machine is a show stopper, and tells me there is a larger issue lurking in the game. The reason it isn't such a problem is maybe because I have SLI, it's the nvidia or ati drivers or something else that is causing a common problem for this game with DX11, I don't know. I would be remiss however if I did not mention it in the review and on forums. I will not turn a blind eye to said problem if I personally experienced it, I can not in good conscious do that. I have been where you are though, everything working perfect on my end and wondering what others have done to their systems to screw up a game, case and point Dragon Age II. The game ran just fine for me with DX11 and SLI but others had MAJOR issues with FPS on similar rigs, even some near identical. I looked into it and help others resolve the issue, but because I didn't do things in the configuration the same exact way at first, I never experienced said problems until I fooled around with it. I know you want me to change my opinion but I can't do that, sorry mate.
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