D-Link DNS-323 NAS



USB print server port

Don't thank me yet :D

Give me a day or so and I will test out the print server and Vista connectivity and report back with any information thats remotely relevant.

Thanks for all the useful review material. Do you happen to know if the USB print port is indeed a true high-speed (not full speed or anything else) USB ?

... Dave

Paul D

Getting the FTP over the network to work

Anyone actually get the FTP client over the www to work?

I got this thing not only to back up my data, but to take my TIVO files on the road. I have the TIVO client dump MP4s to my NAS so that when I finish the ones that I have in my PSP, I can download some more.

HOWEVER, I have not been able to get this feature to work. DLINK support, where ever that may be, only knows how to follow scripts and not truely how to debug the problem.

Anyone ???

Rob Williams

Staff member
What do you mean, FTP over WWW?

I have an FTP server set up on this and I can connect to it fine via an FTP client (FileZilla). I don't think the DNS-323 supports a webpage-based FTP client. I could be wrong, but I haven't see it anywhere.


Getting FTP over the WWW network to work

What I mean:

I would like to type in FTP://blahblah.dlinkddns.com and be able to get into my DNS-323.

I've successfully mapped the drives for the LAN, but once I hit the road, I can't get into the NAS.

What I've done:
Lynksys router (WRT300N)
Set up the DDNS service to free DynDNS.org to update my changing WAN IP address
Forwarded port 21 to the LAN IP address of the DNS-323,
Set up users with permissions
Enabled FTP

I've tried FTP'ing to the free domain name as well as right to the IP address of the router. Nothing.

Rob Williams

Staff member
This sounds like the type of problem Greg should tackle... I'll see if he's around and can respond.

I run Linux so I believe things are made a little bit easier. My machine runs an SSH server, so that I can connect via command-line or FTP (via SFTP). From there, I can connect to anything else on the network that's mapped to the PC. The beauty of Linux is that if something isn't mapped, I can log in via SSH and take care of it.

I am not sure how something similar could be done with Windows, though. Greg might know, but he might also be on/off like a madman today.


The hard thing about debugging this is that I have to get outside my LAN to test it. I thought I had it working once. I did a test FTP and down loaded one of my Angel episodes.

When I get to CA two days later, I could not get in.

Rob Williams

Staff member
This kind of setup would almost always have to be tested first outside of the network, since there will rarely be any problems inside the network.

Did you use a service like DynDNS to point directly to the DNS-323? If so, then that URL should always point directly to the box, making it possible to get in. I guess the basics should be checked also... such as making sure the FTP service is started on the device.

The huge workaround would be setting up a server on the actual PC and connecting to the PC instead of the NAS directly, but it's been so long since I've done that in Windows, so I'm unsure how much of a chore it is.


I'll keep plugging away until I get it to work. I'll post what it took when I'm done.

I need to get a friend to try and log in as I make changes.


I'm using DynDNS to point to my DNS-323.

I'll keep plugging away until I get it to work. WHen I do, I post what it took for my set up. Maybe that will save someone the hours I've spent on this.

Now to pester a friend to keep trying to log in as I make changes...


The Tech Wizard
I'm using DynDNS to point to my DNS-323.

I'll keep plugging away until I get it to work. WHen I do, I post what it took for my set up. Maybe that will save someone the hours I've spent on this.

Now to pester a friend to keep trying to log in as I make changes...
Usually it's something simple, I always tend to make it harder than it is....lol



Automatic http downloading from list

I am looking forward for a home NAS
I want my NAS to do the following works

1) Backups and files etc
2) Automatic downloading from http servers and ability to add downloads from a list.
3)iTunes server.

but what about 2) ? I know it has bittorrent , But i rarely need it , since i download mostly from http servers (with login) . Is it possible to add downloads from a file List and schedule them ?

I saw abt the schedule feature , but i really need to find if it supports downloads from http from list .
Even if the default os doesnt have it , is it possible to use curl r wget to download via some hack ?

Thanks ,


The Tech Wizard
I am looking forward for a home NAS
I want my NAS to do the following works

1) Backups and files etc
2) Automatic downloading from http servers and ability to add downloads from a list.
3)iTunes server.

but what about 2) ? I know it has bittorrent , But i rarely need it , since i download mostly from http servers (with login) . Is it possible to add downloads from a file List and schedule them ?

I saw abt the schedule feature , but i really need to find if it supports downloads from http from list .
Even if the default os doesnt have it , is it possible to use curl r wget to download via some hack ?

Thanks ,
One Word



Guys, need help with my dns-323. Blinking power light

Hi Guys,

My dns-323 won't boot up properly, it's giving me the blinking light all the time. I have done the hard reset without any luck. No lights showing on the HD and Link indicator lights.

Please help. I tried the easy configuration utility without any luck. Can't find the default ip address.

I'm using a maxtor sata HD.



Techgage Staff
Staff member
Heya. The default IP for that router should be

If you can't log into it at all and it doesn't even show cat5 cables as being connected, then the unit may have failed and ya should use D-Link's support. :)

Rob Williams

Staff member
If the D-Link search can't find it, then it sounds like something is wrong with either the network connection or the unit itself. The Search Utility that's included should find it no problem. You might want to look under in your router's admin panel under DHCP leases to see if it's detected there.


Can't access DNS-323 thru web admin, easy Search can't find DNS-323

Problem: Can't access DNS-323 web admin. I get the logon window and give the right user and pass. Next i get "IE cannot show page...". The Easy Search can't find the DNS-323 at all.


The DNS-323 works fine with Windows 7, as long as i connect to it using Windows. Althou i can connect to only ONE partition at once. If i want to connect to another at the same time, I get errors from Windows 7.

I need help with getting the admin to work. Any tips? Aske me for more info.
