Intel is expected to disclose on Tuesday its launch plans surrounding its next-generation Core2 microprocessors, as well as a new low-voltage Core Duo chip that will be featured in thin-and-light notebooks from Dell and HP.
Of longer-term importance, however, will be the introduction of the Intel P965 or "Broadwater" chipset, which marks the end of older parallel ATA disk drives and IDE storage within the PC.
This is definitely not something I would miss. S-ATA allows much better airflow in your PC, which is the main reason I prefer it over IDE. Now manufacturers just need to move their asses and release more S-ATA based roms.
Of longer-term importance, however, will be the introduction of the Intel P965 or "Broadwater" chipset, which marks the end of older parallel ATA disk drives and IDE storage within the PC.
This is definitely not something I would miss. S-ATA allows much better airflow in your PC, which is the main reason I prefer it over IDE. Now manufacturers just need to move their asses and release more S-ATA based roms.