Cooler Master R4 Fans!


Tech Junkie
I got a couple of the fans for my new/old Cpu cooler, it was NIB but was a couple years old. These fans are great, it sure seems like they are quieter than the 92mm fan I had in there, there at 1923/1950 RPM and I got my 2 for $10. Microcenter was having a sale, one was brand new other was open box, $4 for the open one. But all in all so far gotta say decent fans, pain to get on but may have had to do with the coolers odd mountings. Oh and my fans are the no LED versions.


lol@ur avatar pic! haha, nice!:D


Basket Chassis
Staff member
What about SilenX iXtrema Pro LED fans? 64 CFM @ 18db. They are super quiet but pricey. Almost double the price of the R4's.

I'm all about quiet after having this Tempest next to me with 6 fans making it hard to hear.


Tech Monkey
Yea I thought it would be more fitting that way, Photoshop + a few minutes of work hahah, I actually use it for my games folder on my dock.


Basket Chassis
Staff member

My favorites are Nvidia - The Way It's Meant To Be Delayed (Fermi) or Nvidia - The Way It's Meant To Be Renamed (multiple cards based on the G92 core).