Best Browser


Yes it does. You simply click on the expand button in bookmarks and then click on file and you get a dropdown and it's right there. Go get it and try it again.;)

Rob Williams

Staff member
Lynx is the best browser!

Opera is ok, but I still prefer Firefox. I like how Opera follows all the standards and is ultra quick to patch security holes. I just could not get to enjoy it like I did with Firefox.. I found it too clunky.

Last time I used it was before it became free.


I just find it way faster than anything else. Firefox has it's good points and definately more bells and whistles than Opera. I have not tried Lynx but I will give it a look for sure.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Hehe, I was semi-joking about Lynx. It's a text based browser that is great if you need to log into a remote server running Linux. It's available for Windows, but it's text based so it's not so popular :)

I know what you mean about Firefox, it does have a lot of bells and whistles but it's not overloaded. It has so many extensions that I have come to rely on, and it would be great to see if Opera could match that functionality.

I do hand it to Opera, they are up against some massive competition. You know that a CEO cares about his browser when he offers to swim across an ocean ;)


The One, The Only...
I tried orpera because of the post... Its alot faster, but i find the the way it works to be different enough from its competitors to be uncomfotable for me to use... I still have it installed and may use it in the future.

Cool Barn

I have read in a number of places that Opera is the fastest browser out there, so I am very tempted to give it a try. To be honest though I like the bells and whistles of Firefox - some of the extensions and themes you can download are really nice and handy. Not to mention that there are a number of tweaks available to make Firefox run quicker than at its default settings, so even though Opera may be slightly faster I'd hardly call Firefox a slouch in the speed department.

I guess it comes down to whatever browser you try first. If you get used to Opera you'll probably prefer Opera; if you get used to Firefox you'll probably prefer Firefox.

Only noobs and masochists prefer Internet Explorer :D


Tech Monkey
I noticed FireFox was a bit slow when I first started using it, but found a solution in <a href ="">FireTune</a>.


I must be the minority here. I think that Microsoft IE 6 is the best browser. Not because I like Microsoft.

I think IE 6 is the best because its the most compatible. Everything works with it and all web sites look the way they were designed to look.

Cool Barn

andanton said:
I must be the minority here. I think that Microsoft IE 6 is the best browser. Not because I like Microsoft.

I think IE 6 is the best because its the most compatible. Everything works with it and all web sites look the way they were designed to look.
The only reason all sites work with it is because web developers are forced to specifically code for IE because it has such a huge user base. It is actually a pain in the arse for developers because oftentimes it follows the "Microsoft standard" and not general Web standards.

So I agree with you that it is compatible with everything, but I don't know where you get the notion that it displays websites "the way they were designed to look". The vast majority of browsers that strictly adhere to Web standards like Opera and Firefox display webpages the way they are supposed to look. Internet Explorer displays them a little differently according to how Microsoft believe they should look.


Angela Miller said:
I like using Firefox because of the tabs.

Thats' the same reason why I use FireFox. The tabs feature is very nice. I also prefer to get away from Microsoft products as much as I can.


Opera for me is the best.. VEERY customizable, many options and i like very much to hide images when i only wanna read.. and the pop up blocker is very eficient


Remember the good old days when Netscape was the best browser?

Nowadays I use FireFox, only because I feel safer using a non-Microsoft browser. Microsoft IE has way too many security holes.


Thumbs up for Opera. Plenty of updates on a frequent enough basis. Has all the feaures I could dream of wanting. It does not drain all my system resources like other browsers I tryed. Runs smoothly.