AsylumLAN 30

Rob Williams

Staff member
Greg, Matt H and I are at the AsylumLAN in Evansville, IN and will be keeping this thread updated throughout. It began at around 6PM, though gaming didn't really begin until a few hours later. Things are going strong right now as I write this (11PM), but more people should be arriving tomorrow.

We've set up our overclocking PC which will be used for a contest as well, and that will be underway shortly.

Here are a few pictures we've taken so far.


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Soup Nazi
I keep getting my posterior handed to me. Still I could be working this weekend so I'm not going to complain. FYI Rob is the son of teh debil, he refuses to sleep.


Partition Master
Looks like fun, although I would've been screwed. I can't game well on a chair without armrests. :p

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
While this was only our third AsylumLAN, it was cool to see and talk with people who have been to them all. The games were great and the contests were well thought out. There were a few frustrations but thats to be expected from time to time. All in all, it was a great weekend in beautiful southern Indiana and a good time had by all.


Soup Nazi
I surely enjoyed the hell out of it! Sadly it's all over and nothing more than a fond (and beloved) memory. Greg needs to see about entering a Indy driving school (brother, you rock the family van! You should drive racecars!), Rob needs to game more... he's wicked good! Chris is one of the funniest guys I've ever met and snores like a Sthil at full tilt (for the uninformed, it's a brand of chainsaw... I'm a Husqvarna myself) and Cory... totally cool man, just chilly as an ice cube in January.

The LAN was one of the best organized events I've ever had the pleasure to attend, the diversity of people and rigs was amazing! Everything from P3's with older AGP cards to the latest and greatest with all forms of cooling from air to water to phase change! There were kids, teens, 20 somethings, 30 somethings, 40 somethings (w00t!) and above. It was simply the proverbial geekly melting pot and it was awesome beyond words.

To those I met, I'm a better person for the encounter. To those I didn't meet but encountered, how's yer mom an' them? And to the guy who's day I saved... Dude, I hope it's still running. Lastly, to the organizers of the LAN, my hat is off to you folks! You took what was dished out with style and grace and made this one of the best events in the country! I'm forever in your debt for allowing me the pleasure of attending.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
Photo 1: Chris and Matt
Photo 2: Derek (Grymskull)
Photo 3: notadouche being a douche because he lost his name tag
Photo 4: Winner of an ASUS 8600GT
Photo 5: Xander
Photo 6: Cool view of the PCs
Photo 7: Cory (THUMPer), Matt and Rob
Photo 8: AL crew with cake


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Rob Williams

Staff member
Photo 1: THUMPer's PC and NES mod
Photo 2: Techgage OC contest PC
Photo 3: ^ Ditto
Photo 4: Posters
Photo 5: Matt plays games with his Bawls
Photo 6: Yet another cool view
Photo 7: AL servers
Photo 8: Rob attempting to kick Matt's ass in CoD2


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Rob Williams

Staff member
i want to see some pictures from Hooters!

Photo 1: Blurry pic of Greg, Cory and Chris
Photo 2: Double-D burger is huge
Photo 3: Cory loves him some beans
Photo 4: Chris and Rob smothering Hooters girl


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Soup Nazi
Good times, good times.


Rob celebrating being at Greg's by snorting a line of thermal paste. Happily it wouldn't flow up the straw.


Rob's PC for the LAN in a loaner case. Little did we know that it would soon become the focus of much swearing.


The man has a built in fur coat. Proof that evolution is a reality since he's from the great white north (hoser eh?).


This is a very nice mobo as long as you're not using a certain CPU cooler that has A) Intel style push pins and B) about 3/8" between said push pins and the bottom of the heatsink.


As you can see, during our time of trial, Chris was a fount of moral support.


The OC rig was going through tough times as well... can anyone say 80C at idle? Arg!


For some reason the big CoolIT (FreeZone) wasn't powering up the pelt's. Odd.


Rob, mere moments before we became immersed in the new Indiana Jones movie: Indiana Jones and the Heatsink of Doom.


At least the pup kept his calm.


I didn't get any photos of the HS/F mayhem since I was directly involved but the end result was that we had to talk Rob down from jumping to his certain death (Ok, I'm exaggerating, we were on the second floor... so it's more like middling discomfort).


Soup Nazi


We made it at last! Boy, I was sorta expecting a bigger turnout. D'Oh! It was still in the setup stages.


Rob, in contemplation of his navel, he's a deep dude!


A blurry shot of Rob and Greg setting up. I tried to get a better one and...


Taaa-daaa Chris popped into frame. Hey brother.


So I got a shot of all three of 'em. I was long since done so I had a bit of free time.


Since y'all have seen what was at the LAN I'm going to show the quieter moments. This was breakfast at Denny's next to our motel... yes, Rob finally did allow us to sleep.


Rob looking all innocent after discharging his flash and blinding me...


Greg knew it was all an act.


Greg and Chris in the family truckster. This shot was from a few hundred feet away actually, I was testing the zoom on my camera. I'm actually kind of impressed.


I might like playing with my Bawls but Chris likes keeping his in line.


It's the maple syrup eh?


At least we got a cooler mounted up in Rob's rig. Pretty snazzy looking after it was all done.


Greg's rig is a pretty nice looker too.

Well, that's about all the relevant images I have to share. Needless to say, it was truly the most fun I've had with my clothes on.
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Richard Searle

Techgage Staff
Oh what a trip, I must say I am glad I could meet the people there. I really must say I miss the bean bag chair watching Rob build that thing. Man I love Dennys but I should live at Hooters. It is all about the canadian maple syrup. I would like to thank Techgage for letting me tag along with them, what an amazing trip.

P.S - Anyone get a chance to watch football game highlights Monday morning?

Rory Buszka

Partition Master
Hey, I've been there! But not this time, unfortunately. Ah, it's just as well - taking a decent picture of me is challenging.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Why watch the highlights Monday morning when I was witnessing the shit that was the last <4 minutes of the game. If you are referring to any other game, and I assume that you aren't, Adrian Peterson is a farking stud. He might be in the top 5 in the league already and he has only been in the league half a season. To bad he isn't near as good as Joseph Addai.

Just remember, it's difficult to beat the same team twice in one season. Remember that.
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Partition Master
Hey Rob, what's that Arsenal thing on your shirt and your avatar?

PS. Do you always look so serious? I think you tried to smile when smothering the Hooters girl, but didn't quite make it. :p