Aren't we all just a little sensitive?

Rob Williams

Staff member
In Borderlands 2, the Mechromancer class will have a skill tree called "Best Friends Forever", which allows the player to essentially dumb-down the gameplay for casual gamers. If you've ever tried to get someone to play an FPS with you who hasn't ever before, or a die-hard console FPSer who can't figure out a mouse and keyboard, I'm sure you'll understand why such a skill tree has its uses.

Apparently, someone at Gearbox dubbed it the "Girlfriend mode", and that for some reason is stirring up a lot of angst against it, because it's just oh so "sexist". I think people need to stop being such wankers and get offended by every little thing. This has nothing to do with being sexist, it has almost everything to do with the fact that most girlfriends do not play games like this. Of all my gamer friends, only one has a girlfriend that plays the same games we do; the rest stick to Facebook games and things like that... hardly hardcore. "Girlfriend' mode in that regard is almost appropriate, because it'll help people get their girlfriends to actually play the game and enjoy it.

I think the unofficial dubbing should have been "noob mode', but still... people need to stop getting offended over stupid things like this. As if there aren't other actual major issues to whine over.


Big Red Machine

Hellfire and Brimstone
Staff member
I blame our over-litigious modern society in part for this. Offend someone too much, and you open yourself up to the possibility of being sued for it.

I'll probably get sued for that last comment...


Senior Editor
Staff member
I was offended by that comment and will now sue this entire publication and webhost. I will also sue jellsoft for allowing you to post such a comment with its forum software, vBulletin.

While that goes through, I will proceed to call everyone Gay over chat with a voice modifier while I pwn them with l33t hax I downloaded from a shady chinese site, then sue the publisher and developer of the game for giving me a virus. Also, their game fried my graphics card.