Anyone here pick up a Nexus 7?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I admit that Google's Nexus 7 has intrigued me quite a bit, because it might be the first tablet ever that can put Android on the map for a lot of people. Sure, there's been the Amazon Kindle Fire and some other $200 tablets, but all of those had strict limitations. Google's tablet is Android, plain and simple. It comes with the real Play Store, and can be used without ridiculous restrictions. The lack of a microSD slot sucks, but no other $200 tablet offers one so it's no surprise here (and that in part is one thing that keeps the price down). It also lacks an Apple logo which some might consider a limiting factor.

Performance-wise, the Nexus 7 isn't far off the mark compared to tablets that cost twice as much. The CPU is a smidgen slower, with the biggest hit being on the GPU - neither of which is going to prevent anyone from playing most if not all current Tegra 3 games on the market.

At $200, this thing is just tempting as hell. According to Engadget, shipping has begun, so I look forward to seeing actual reviews once they pop-up.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I like that it is made by ASUS. :)

I'd love to get a tablet and this one is at the top of my list. It would be a great alternative to carting around a laptop when I'm on call, but what to be out and about.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I like that it is made by ASUS. :)

I couldn't agree more there.

I'd love to get a tablet and this one is at the top of my list. It would be a great alternative to carting around a laptop when I'm on call, but what to be out and about.

Yup, that's just it. At $200, it's not super-expensive, and it'd be perfect for light gaming, reading, browsing and so forth. The PSP Vita costs what, like $250? One of these things is much more tempting than the other (to me, at least).


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Talk to ASUS and see if they can outfit the TG staff with one each...for testing purposes of course.

If nothing else, get one into your hands as a nice alternative to cases/motherboards/etc.

I'm seriously entertaining the idea of picking one up for work. The more I can do on the go and the less I need to cart around the better. Using this instead of a 4" screen on my phone to remote into my laptop to take care of server issues would be a dream!

If only I could figure out this danged port forwarding! Nothing I do will work and I need it to wake my work laptop out of sleep mode instead of leaving the blazing inferno on all the time.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
I have a good feeling their sample allocation is shot. There are many, many more people who want to review tablets than those who want to review motherboards, haha. I just got an ASUS tablet that I'm getting used to, but I am interested to see where these things go. I'm jealous they have Jelly Bean from the get-go while I'll have to wait for a little while.

Port forwarding... not fun. Tharic-Nar should be ideal to help with that, or Glider/Brett who helped me with the exact same sort of issue months ago. It's such a pain sometimes.

I recently found out why my Gentoo won't run ntp (timeserver) properly. It requires port 123, and for some reason I can't forward that on the router I have. So foolish... I hate networking.


Partition Master
As much as I do not need one, I want a tablet. I had my finger on the button for the Nexus 7 but the rediculous markup for 16GB (I know they do not make jack off the base model but unless ASUS is getting ripped on integrated flash as well...).

It comes down to the lack of storage and expansion.

Rob Williams

Staff member
As much as I do not need one, I want a tablet. I had my finger on the button for the Nexus 7 but the rediculous markup for 16GB (I know they do not make jack off the base model but unless ASUS is getting ripped on integrated flash as well...).

It comes down to the lack of storage and expansion.

Yup, that's a major downside, but given the cost difference between this and a 10", it can be expected. It'd suck to own the 8GB and only be able to copy like one or two movies to it for travel.

My wife just said that if she gets a 3rd monitor for home, I can have a Nexus 7.

That's a little cruel, LOL.

Name 50...and by name I mean first and last names, social insurance number, birth date and shoe size.

Haha, get right on that ;)